One of the terms used by the Qur'an during the early Makkan period to describe Islam was Al-Yusraa, or 'The Easy Way'. This is simply because Islam was, and is the natural way of life. Indeed, whatever is natural for human beings should be easy for them in every way, hence cause them to gravitate towards it easily, and consequently bring harmony, peace and tranquility to their lives. Since the Quran is the book upon which the Islamic way of life is built, then the Quran has to be easy to understand and follow-it is 'The Easy Way'.
This view that Islam is easy to understand and practice is one, which is derived from the primary sources of Islam. In the Quran, Allah comforts us by continuously reassuring us that He desires for us ease not hardship, despite the seemingly formidable trials and tribulations that we may sometimes face. He says:
'God desires ease for you, and desires not hardship' (2:185);
Prophet Muhammad (saw) has advised us: 'This Deen or way of life is easy But if anyone overdoes it, it gets the better of him. So keep to the right course, approximate to perfection, rejoice, and ask for help in the mornings, the evenings, and some of the latter part of the night' (Bukhari).
This small booklet will be of immense assistance, to all those who want to understand ISLAM – The Easy Way
Author Biography: Khurram J. Murad was born in Bhopal, India in 1932, and migrated to Pakistan in 1948. He studied civil engineering at the University of Karachi (BEng. 1952), securing 1st place in the University, and went on to study in the University of Minnesota (USA) (MSc. 1958), he worked as a leading consulting engineer in Karachi, Dhaka, Tehran and Riyadh.
Associated Consulting Engineers Ltd., with which he worked as a Chief Engineer and Resident Director, was responsible for the initial design and electrification of the extension of the Masjid al-Haram, Makkah and He played an important role in the formulation and implementation of the plans for extension of the Haram.
He also served as the Director General of the Leicester-based Islamic Foundation, UK and was a household name among British Muslims throughout the seventies and eighties.

An author of over thirty works in Urdu and English, his thoughts have influenced two generations of Muslims the entire world over and he delivered Hundreds of Islamic lectures on different Topics.
His death came on Thursday 19th December 1996 (9th Sha'ban 1417 AH) at the Glenfield Hospital, Leicester.

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