Your petition has been approved by the Number 10 web team, and
   is now available on the Number 10 website at the following


   Your petition reads:

   We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to Provide
   Interest-free loans to poor countries & wipe-off existing debt

   Poor countries are under a heavy debt burden despite having
   paid off billions of the original, principle sum. We need a new
   ethical way of lending money ie interest-free, and a more
   partnership-based, risk sharing method of working with them.

   We need to cancel, forgive their current debts and provide
   interest-free grants/loans, and a more humanitarian partnership
   based dealings with them.

   Thanks for submitting your petition.

   -- the ePetitions team

Thinkers Forum International
A Global Intellectual Movement Working For Social Change

Vision :
'TFI to be the Leading Muslim Think Tank in Formulation, Development &
Implementation of Policy Proposals for Elevation of the Community in
Education, Socio-Economics (Poverty Alleviation) and Governance.'

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