
et tu, Tony,

now you are pretending not to have read the original
Undiscovered Physics, nor the subsequent articles and
discusssions on the internet.

"rash judgement searching for the insights of the old

the old and true ones I speak MOST highly of ... again,
viz Tesla, Schauberger, Piddington, Alfven, Bostick,
Carroll, Barnes ... so many.

it is the CHURCH and the MILITARY and the BANKS, the
global corporate state, who do not speak of, and put down,
the VERY BEST natural philosophers ever known.

I, on the contrary, have spoken in great detail and
praise of their works, in my work, as no one on Earth
has done before wholly and truly.

obviously I do not waste my time, or that of my sacred
terrestrial family, on further discussions of the willing
mouthpieces of Church physics ... viz. the Plancks and
Feynmans and Einsteins ad nauseum.

read the true philosophers referenced in "Life Without
Spacetime", for example:


if you wish my friend to give due respect to those of us
who have struggled and succeeded for the benefit of
ALL humanity, bringing the WAY back to nature,
in contrast to political conformity ...

for all our sacred ancestors,

Millennium Twain


Tony B wrote:

Cum Grano Salis, MT.
What can one say to such exhuberance, might it be somewhat
clouded in rash judgement searching for the insights of the
old ones.
I would term it SophiaGnosis and the Wisdom of the Mother
in harmony with the Knowledge of the Father.
Your initiation into the mysteries surely have also
elucidated this.
Re=Alpha.RCompton=Alpha^2.RBohr1=Alpha^3/4Pi. RRydberg .
Re=(HiggsBosonic) Outer-Lepton- Ring for (/hyperbolic/
catenoidal) Lambda/Neutron geometry and also the
magnetoconfinement as your ellipsoidal asymmetry for ALL
hadronic particles. 
The Mesonic-Inner- Ring for a ellipsoidal Proton geometry
then reduces Re in a factor just over 1000 and then further
reduces to the 'sacred' quantisation of Re in the
NeutrinoKernel as Re=10^10.Lmin/360. 
The 'sacredness' is the radian definition as 2Pi linear
becoming radius-independent unity in a seemingly
'arbitrary' degree count.
So the 'quantum physics' manifests from a magnified
'Planck-Length' Lmin=4Pi.c^6.LPlanck^2.Re/G  in the
classical electron radius (Re) as Planck's Constant is
itself finestructured as h=Lmin/2Re.c^3=Lmin/e*c in
superstring parameters.
Here is your factor for n=1 or 2 in the Lissajous form for
Re associated with the definition of the magnetocharge as
the 'curling up' of the gauge photon 'string' transforming
into the 'electron string'.
Deus Vobiscum!
Tony B.
----- Original Message -----

From: MessiahTwain

Mea Culpa, Tony!

I did spend the decades in the physics establishment,
and did absorb all the literature: institutional, alternative,
dissident. My time in the realm of sacred teachings, the
mystical, is recent and limited.

I observe ALL the phenomena of the cosmos, as does
the VAST institutional of corporate science -- yet wholly
without the JudeoChristian promoted conclusions, which
are all opposite of observation.

i.e., no expansion. no big bang. no black holes, no quarks,
no 'quantum limits to the femto and pico scales of
measurement of the internal structure of the proton and 
nucleus, no church constraints on lightspeed. no photons,
accept as a quantized measurement of the actual phenomena
of light aka electromagnetic waves.

my written work, for all who read, surpasses a hundredfold
the works of my dear colleagues, including Wolff, Bostick,
Carroll, Barnes, Kanarev, Piddington, Alfven, Schauberger,
Tesla ... only because I DO include the observations of all
true scientists of all cultures ... and forgot to obey the
guilds of ignorance and servitude and DID reveal the
femto- and pico-scale wavelengths and structures of
the superluminal proton.

and because, unlike the institution, I DID seek out and
learn from, and reference and describe in great detail
the peerless pioneers from our PLANETWIDE community
of alternative and dissident natural philosophers.

thus my hundredfold greater refinement is only the
result of incorporating and the whole and the consequence
of their global cultural approach to the truth of our
experience of divine nature.

for which I am a thousandfold humbled,

for all our sacred relations,

Millennium Twain


gardener, planter of trees ...


Sirebard wrote:

Dear Forums!

Allow me to give a brief comment on the work of Messiah
Twain aka Millennium Twain aka MT, who regularly posts on
sites such as related to this one.

MT's 'common sense' description of the universe is rather
logical and would be well supported by the mainstream in
theory (say away from funding and publication pressures).

MT has coined many well established concepts with new
names, such as 'metricated relativity' and the
'matterverse' .

MT's 'Nucleon Song', proposing a hydrogen geometrical
structure for the neutron and a 'charge creation' from the
'curling up or selfclosure' of a 'linear geodetic photon'
into a 'radius varying protoelectron' ; also shows a
beautiful and elegant extension of the establishment.

I rather like MT's basic geometry on the structure of the
basic constituents of nature in charge-carrying matter
particles and the 'aether-particles' of light.

Here is the reference to MT's major papers in his
'Undiscovered Physics' proposal.

http://www.groupkos .com/eso/ tiki-index. php?page=
The+Undiscovered +Physics

However MT's constant attacks and derison of the
establishment serves him no constructive purpose.

He fails to see, that his superpositiong of lateral and
rotational wave vectors as description for the 'scalar'
component for the electromagnetic field is also used by the
orthodoxy (i.e. M-Theory) , as well as being understood
very well indeed by the native peoples of this earth and
their many unorthodox and alternative exponents (say Viktor
Schauberger, whose crystalline water properties and
'harmonics' are being rediscovered by the establishment on
a continuing basis).

MT derides quarks and mathematical abstraction, yet fails
to realise that his 'onion structure' for the proton is
just the 'tentative' approach of the consensus (say in the
work of Alan Krisch of Michigan).

And just like Milo Wolff's Wave-Structure for Matter is
indeed supported by the 'Standard Model Under Constant
revison', so is MT's 'Metric Relativity'; yet it appears he
cannot see the convergences.

Like Milo Wolff, MT seems to bear some grudges against the
historical development of physics and seems unable or
unwilling to consider synthesis of his model with the

Like Milo, MT 'plays' wordgames in relabelling generalised
labels of the standard models, then claiming that the old
labels are somehow too abstract or complicated and subject
to revision.

To say that General Relativity is 'rubbish' shows an
unwarranted disrespect to the historic exponents of the
physics and the sciences.

A quick detailed comment, as to 'my' Quantum Relativity,
might show this 'missing' convergence of so many model

MT derives a imo beautiful toroidal geometry in using the
scalar propagation of the electromagnetic 'field'.

He claims, that an 'uncharged photon' of transverse
electric and magnetic orthogonal 'field-vectors' utilises
its scalar nature in closing up on itself in a loop.

Now this is just what the superstring theorists say, which
describe the class type 1 as the only class which forms
such closed loops and transforms into the open ended
strings of the other classes.

So imo MT's model simply describes the string
transformations in reverse, where the so called Planck
Boson IS type 1 and allows a sinusoidal waveform to become
linearised from its circular unification.

This can be seen if one looks at MT's geometry in more
detail, in particular when he says, that the
electromagnetic field vector 'of the helix winding around
the torus surface say, is ALWAYS counterclockwise.

This is precisely, what Quantum Relativity (QR) has claimed
for years in association with the 'gauge bosons of the
electromagnetic interaction' .

The gauge photon is always clockwise and colourcharged in
an exact symmetry with the likewise colourcharged antigauge

But the antigauge becomes suppressed (as the massless and
charged precursor for the weak interaction gauges) and so
one finds a 'symmetry breaking' between gauges, which
CREATE the (scalar) MASS in the 'colourcharging' mapping
the magnetocharge onto the electrocharge observed (and
always mass associated).

MT explains all this rather well in his papers on the
electron, the proton and his 'proof' and so on. And of
course, he uses his own labellings and not (always) those
of QR or those of the standard literature.

But MT DOES NOT 'overthrow the mainstream' as he so often
claims - he does EXTEND it though and adding valuable new
ideas and tentative calculations to it.

His papers engage much of the well known relationship
between the classical electron radius with the Compton/de
Broglie Radius with the Bohr Radii, all as powerseries of
the finestructure constant Alpha.

So contrary to his statements, MT is rather mainstream in
engaging those scale relationships.

I like his Lissajous waveforms and topologies for this
however; QR also uses the 'infinity symbol' and its
tripleform in a link to the geometrical awareness of the
native cultures (without abstract algebraic formalisms).

This shall do and I comment further if anyone has questions
as to MT's derivations and model.

Below is the start of the thread as indicated by MT and
Phil Carr.

Best wishes to all.

Tony B.


Millennium Twain wrote:

viz, Phil -- god-barf from the Church of abuse,
ignorance, servitude ...

great excuse for those who never learned to read
or write, or walk the sacred path of culture and

experience is not outside our knowing. it is our
only knowing!

infintitely refined, divine ...

Millennium Twain


--- Phil Carr <philcarr_ottawa> wrote:

The issue of divine creation is a topic separate from
that are the physical laws which govern our universe.
No one can deny that we have such laws, e.g. the law
of gravity. The fact that some laws lay outside of
your personal experience makes them no less valid or
no more threatening to any given view of creation than
that of the law of gravity.

In the end no scientist, nor relgious leader can claim
to know the mind of God, we can only attempt to devine
it with our crude tools, and limited imaginations to
the best of our personal abilities.


Millennium Twain wrote:

General Relativity is whole rubbish.

No correspondence with nature/experience ...

none in the assumptions, none in the discussions
and analysis, and none in the derivations.

to say otherwise is to have never have read or
studied GR, and to never have observed or
discussed or studied nature before and within

we are not discussing here wannabee physicist's
abilities to behave in obediance to the strictures
of the corporate state ... to be the priests of the
military industry ...

we are speaking here of true students of nature,
in service to the divine human family,

and all our sacred relations,

Millennium Twain

truly said, however, that Quantum Mechanics
(and Special Relativity) stood up from day one
proclaiming to be the voice of the JudeoChristian
Church of political consumer conformity!

http://groups. yahoo.com/group/NuclearStructure/
http://groups. yahoo.com/group/NaturalPhilosopHER/
http://groups. yahoo.com/group/DiosasAncianos2012/

--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED] .com, Ray Tomes <ray@> wrote:
Re: [cyclesi] Cyclical universe/Chuck/ Ray

Gary wrote:
> ... It is inconceivable to me that GR is considered the
> authority in gravity and astrophysics and that virtually
all physics
> departments at universities, and virtually all journal
editors are so
> entrenched, and simply ignore that there is no physical
basis to the
> theory whatsoever. Please comment.

To me words like "physical basis" are a problem. That
simply means that you don't have a picture in your mind. I
cannot understand why anyone would have a problem with
the maths of GR as it works in all known cases correctly.
This is unlike QM where they change the rules whenever
it gets a wrong result and pretend that it was right all

Certainly a model is useful, but you can get a model for GR
from an aether theory with either a tensile medium or a
medium. Many physicists do not understand this, but it has
been proven convincingly that LET (Lorenz Ether Theory)
gives identical predictions. If you want a push gravity
you can do it quite happily working with a fluid aether and
LET and get all the same answers as GR.

If you think that push gravity will get different answers
then I would check your calculations very carefully.


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