Dear Mr. Abraham, here are the few names; Dr Harry Panjwani, Dr. Rajeev Mehta, 
Mr. Dinesh Dadani, Mr. Sanjiv Pandya, Mr. Suhail Ahmed, Mr. Ravi Bhalla, Ms. 
Linda Singh, Ms. Ragini "Regina" Goel & Ms. Akhila Naik. Please make sure with 
them; are they willing to be associated with GOPIO practically with no Agenda 
to help the less fortunate in the community? You must ask them will they go 
against Democrats if the situation demands in cases of Racial Discrimination, 
Equal Justice and Religious Rights concerning our community members?
  Recently on 8-30-07 two Sikh members of our community were arrested in their 
Pajamas in a early morning raid by FED, when they tried to wear their "Patka" 
one of the officer told them to cut this crap. Even in Passaic County Jail in 
Patterson, NJ they are not being allowed to wear "Patka" which is violation of 
their Religious Rights. 
  In Jan. another incident a Sikh woman was delivered "Gutka" religious book as 
loose papers without Binding & Rumala (cloth to cover) at Hudson County Jail 
despite the fact Jail Authorities were explained how we respect and keep our 
Holy Religious Books, when it was delivered to them. Both the incidents were 
reported to all NJ organizations, Dr Sudhir Parikh as well as GOPIO, USINPAC, 
SALDEF, SIKH Council, HAF, ACLU, ALDEF, SAALT but no one ever took any action. 
Where as fact is Bible, Koran and other religious books (except ours) are seen 
with inmates in Binded versions.
   As we all know our community is 99.9% Democrats and New Jersey is 
predominantly a Democrat State with 25-30% Republican Democrats living off the 
crumbs thrown to them by Democrats of NJ. Unfortunately our community 
Representatives/so called Leaders including a slave Assemblyman Upender 
Chivukula, Seema Singh stealing in the name of Battered Women (all Democrats) 
in NJ have not learned anything from Jesse Jackson, Charlie Rangler & Al 
Sharpton who are also Democrats but are not afraid to go against Democrats when 
it comes to Racial Discrimination or Human Rights violation concerning their 
own community members. Classic example is how they forced Don Imus who used to 
be considered till 3 March 2007 among the 25 most influential Americans; to 
apologies for calling their Women Foot Ball Team "NAPPY, HEADED, HOSE. They 
also forced CBS to fire Imus. 
  On the other hand it is more than a year these so called Indo-American 
community Representatives have yet to criticize or demand any thing from their 
Democrat colleagues in NJ for calling the entire community; "Cockroaches, 
Animals, illiterates and Illegal Go Home." 
  I am hopeful GOPIO under you will adhere to the highest moral, ethical and 
secular standards in nominating NJ Chapter President. You/Board Members will 
take an objective, fair and well reasoned decision to uphold the integrity, 
sanctity and purpose of GOPIO in the greater interest of the community of 
Indian origin living in America.
  with best regards,
  Dave Makkar
  P.S. Keeping faith in Democratic values why don't GOPIO go for Elected 
President & Board by the Indo-American community of NJ? I am sure some life 
members in GOPIO who can spend hundred of thousands for non-sense awards & for 
photo opportunity with all kind of Political scoundrels, should have no problem 
in giving money to arrange this Election Event open to all Indo-Americans of 
New Jersey. 

        v\:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);}  o\:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);}  
w\:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);}  .shape {behavior:url(#default#VML);}        
st1\:*{behavior:url(#default#ieooui) }                Dear Mr. Makkar:
  It is not true that Dr. Sudhir Parikh has been appointed as President of 
GOPIO-New Jersey chapter. In fact, GOPIO has not appointed anyone so far. 
  I had attended the first meeting of GOPIO Life Members and supporters from 
New Jersey on May 4th this year to look at the possibility opening a chapter. 
However, I had suggested at the meeting that the new chapter office bearers 
should be from the second generation. We have sent a note to all those who 
attended the first meeting to seek suggestions of potential candidates among 
our second generation young professionals who are willing to spend time for 
civic and community affairs. In fact, we are still looking for candidates from 
the second generation. If you know, someone who is interested, please drop us a 
note. . Dr. Parikh and other GOPIO Life Members are also working toward the 
same goal of getting the next generation involved in the GOPIO-New Jersey 
  Thomas Abraham 
Sent: Wednesday, September 19, 2007 3:34 PM
To: Thomas Abraham; GOPIO
Cc: GOPIO; GOPIO; Lal Motwani; ritu jha; george joseph; srirekha; indian 
panorama; nitin gurjar; Jagdeep Trivedi Indianera; FOSAAC Kevin Kaul; Vikas TV 
ASIA; Purdafash; News Asia; India Currents; lokvani

    Dr. SUDHIR PARIKH: Anti- Muslim, Anti-Christian, Anti-other ethnic groups 
of Indian orgin & No Respect for Human Rights and Democratic Values


    Dear Mr. Abraham, I have recently learned that GOPIO is/has appointed Dr 
Sudhir Parikh as President GOPIO New Jersey chapter. It is shame on the 
organization which has very distinguished individuals from the community. It is 
very disturbing that knowingly some GOPIO board members have appointed Dr 
Parikh who has a track record of not helping Racial Discrimination victims, 
Family of Murdered Mother under Racial bias at a high security water treatment 
plant as well as never raising any objection when NJ Police called the entire 
Indian community; Cockroaches, Animals, illiterates and illegal go home. Dr 
Parikh's appointment has tarnished the image of the organization whose motto is 
Liberty, Justice, Secularism and Equality to all. 


    Then Dr. Parikh never helped a 23 yr old Medical student from his own 
community whose husband was brutalized after being handcuffed and subsequently 
deported by the Authorities at a cost of over $100,000.00 by violating every US 
Law & Human Right. This is the only case in America where so much money was 
spent and every law was broken and every Human Right including the Right to a 
Open & Fair Public Trial was violated in deporting 1 person just because that 
person happens to be an Indian.


    Then Dr Parikh is associated with some NJ Organizations which are being run 
as "GUJARAT SAMAJ" without any representation to other ethnic groups of Indian 
origin including Muslims and Christians. Moreover it is an open secret that Dr. 
Parikh a US National bribed the Indian officials in 2006 to buy the Pravasi 
Bhartiya Award.


    Looking at all the above it is my humble request that GOPIO should 
reconsider their decision completely ignoring the Money Clout & financial 
capacity of Dr Parikh to bribe for name recognition in favor of a person who 
believes in Secularism, Liberty, Equality, Justice and above all human rights 
of an individual. Dr. Parikh should not be appointed President of GOPIO NJ 


    with best regards,

    Dave Makkar




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