When Is a Saudi Woman Considered an Adult?

By Maha Akeel


News) Nov. 2, 2007 - It is surprising and frustrating to see that women in
Saudi Arabia, despite all their achievements, continue to be treated as
underage dependents who need and are forced to be managed by their male


It is necessary at this point of Saudi women's history to address this
important issue. 


We cannot claim that a Saudi woman has all her Islamic and civil rights when
the system insists on considering her immature, irresponsible and dependent
on her male guardian no matter how old she is, how highly educated and
intelligent she might be or what she has achieved in her professional
career. At what age and under what circumstances is a woman in Saudi Arabia
considered an independent, sane, responsible adult?


We see story after depressing and humiliating story in our daily life and
reported in the newspapers of how women struggle to go about their normal
life without unnecessary complications, let alone fighting for their rights
in the courts or other government institutions. Why does a young
intelligent, ambitious woman needs her guardian's permission to enroll in a
university or apply for work? Does the system even realize that this male
guardian does not necessarily have the best interests of the woman when he
denies her the right to an education and a job? 


At what age is a woman considered old enough to decide to marry whom she
chooses legally even if her male guardian objects because he might have
ulterior motives for not giving his permission, or might force her to marry
someone she does not want? Why is it that the system and society do not
raise objections to a father marrying his 13-year-old daughter to a
70-year-old man but objects to a 40-year-old woman deciding to marry someone
suitable against her father's wishes because he would like to continue
benefiting from her teacher salary? Or why does a court forcefully divorce a
happily married couple because some male relative of the wife objects to the
marriage while in another case a woman is forced to stay married to a man
she does not want? Where is taking the woman's own opinion in the matter?
Doesn't an adult, mature woman have a say in matters concerning her own
private life? Why is it only the man's wishes are looked at?


If these are some extreme and rare examples of male guardians abusing their
authority over the women in their care, what about the daily obstacles women
face if they want to purchase property, apply for divorce, gain custody of
their child, or travel abroad? In all these cases, she needs a male
guarantor or a male representative or permission from her male guardian. A
working woman with sufficient salary and funds cannot purchase a car in
installments without a male guarantor signing the papers with her. A woman
cannot argue her case without a male representative or finalize legal
procedures because judges do not recognize her ID card and insist on two men
identifying her. A woman, even a 70-year-old woman, cannot travel abroad
without the written, signed and notarized permission of her male guardian,
who might be her son or nephew. Is this the respect we give our mothers, and
we know how highly respected mothers are in Islam?


Simply going to school or to work or going to a hospital for medical
emergency or even shopping is an ordeal for women because we have to worry
about how we will get there without that "reliable" male driver we so depend
on who might be a criminal or a pervert. How can we trust a woman to raise a
child, teach our children and treat our illnesses but we cannot trust her to
be a responsible adult behind the wheel? We have asked for our right to be
licensed to drive a car like any other Muslim woman in the world because we
know there is no religious basis for denying us that right. 


Yet, we are told that society would not accept women driving on the roads.
Assuming that is true, what is being done about that? Are there any real
proposals from society to make driving by women easier and safer such as,
for example, discussions in schools, training women to be police officers on
the roads and in police centers, setting an age limit or hours of the day or
specified zones for women to drive in or even, resorting to the same
requirement, having her male guardian's permission to drive?


Again, the issue is at what age and under what circumstances does the system
and society recognize a woman as a responsible, independent adult who can
make her own decision and choices and have full rights as a citizen?






EXCERPT FROM  <http://www.muslimahwritersalliance.com/> MUSLIMAH WRITERS



In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful 


 <http://www.petitiononline.com/no24orce/petition.html> SAY 'NO' TO FORCED


February 9, 2007 


WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, hereby state that, while we appreciate the efforts you
have made toward positive reform within the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia,
particularly where it concerns female citizens, it is with sincere regret
that we, the international community, are compelled to once again prevail
upon your obligation to uphold that which right and reverse that which is
inherently wrong. 


WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, UNDERSTAND, that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is
governed by the law of Sharia, which is purportedly based on 'Islamic'
principles, whereupon we respectfully ask the following questions: 


WE, THE UNDERSIGNED ASK, why are [adult] [sane] unmarried female women,
although they can receive education, hold jobs, own property, give birth,
etc., restricted by guardianship that suffers in its effectiveness in
providing for the best interest of the person being 'guarded' or 'protected'
as a result of the 'trickle-down' effect as the family lineage moves from
father, to brother, to half-brother, to cousin, to first cousin, to second
cousin, to third cousin, to fourth cousin, etc. 


WE RESPECTFULLY REQUEST, that the laws mandating guardianship over women be
reviewed, modified, implemented and provision made for their enforcement
providing for the bona-fide best interest of all female citizens, with
particular modifications to be made providing alternate choices for women
who have reached the age of emancipation, who have been divorced and/or
widowed, or who may otherwise be without an immediate male family member
(father or brother) qualified to serve in the role of guardian. The panel
overseeing the review of guardianship law should also be comprised in equal
shares of men and women. There is no room in this provision for women to
have to deal with, or suffer as a result of, self-serving, non-immediate
family members who are insincere about providing for, or protecting the best
interest of female family members under their guardianship. 


WE HEREBY AFFIRM, that this Petition will remain open until such time as the
global community is provided with visible manifestation that the Kingdom of
Saudi Arabia has written, revised, implemented and provided for the
enforcement of, the requests made herein. 


May Allah guide us all. Amin. 



The <http://www.PetitionOnline.com/mod_perl/signed.cgi?no24orce>





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