An Open Letter to 
Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas
from an Indonesian 'Ulama

Assalamu'alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakaatuh

Dear Mr President Mahmoud Abbas,
May peace and the blessing of Allah be upon those who are faithful in 
the defense of Islam and the interests of the Muslim ummah. 
For more than 350 years in our history as a nation, we Indonesians 
had experienced the pain and suffering of occupation and oppression 
that your people, the Palestinians, have been experiencing for the 
past 60 years.
Throughout that period, we too, had experienced waves upon waves of 
struggle to attain our independence waged under the leadership of 
our 'ulama who remained steadfast (istiqamah)  and humble (tawadhu), 
much like the situation facing your people in Palestine. 
Subhanallah (praised be Allah the Exalted) Who has made the 
Palestinian people the inheritors of the fighting spirit of 
Caliph'Umar ibn Khattab and the Muslim army commander Shalahuddin Al-
Ayyubi (may Allah be pleased with them).
We Indonesians remain indebted to the Palestinians for your nation's 
support in the early days of our Independence in 1945, when Palestine 
became among those nations and countries who recognized our 
sovereignty the earliest.
All these, and more, are reasons why today we are extending our 
welcome to you. Welcome to Indonesia, whose people and leaders remain 
steadfast in our support for the struggle of the Palestinians against 
the Zionist-Israel occupation.
On behalf of the Indonesian 'ulama, we express our wish and prayer 
for true, lasting peace in the blessed land of Palestine. Allah has 
decreed that our nations live far apart from each other, but rest 
assured that our hearts and minds are with you all the way. Whatever 
befalls your nation, we strive to learn and know about it. Whatever 
pains your nation, pains us.
Through this risalah, allow us to place upon you the amanah to convey 
to all leaders of the Palestinian fighters regardless of their 
factions and groups the following message: 
First, that you fight for the independence of Palestine only hoping 
for, and seeking, the pleasure of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala alone. 
Please keep close to Allah by upholding the syariat of Al-Qur'an and 
As-Sunnah. Only then will you be able to secure the true victory, and 
only then can you hope for the love of Allah to pour upon all of us. 
Any victory gained outside of the path of Allah will not be a true 
victory, and will bring upon us all the wrath of Allah.
Second, that you be gentle toward your Muslim brethren sharing the 
same struggle for Palestine and that you be firm toward the enemies 
of Islam whose intent is to continue to occupy and oppress the 
Palestinian Muslims. Only by maintaining this stance will your 
identity as Muslim fighters be kept intact. This will be the only 
identity that we shall all bring to our graves.
Third, that you lower the wings of compassion and protect the `ulama 
who are steadfast in the path of Allah, who refuse to compromise 
their faith even as they stand firm before the enemies of Islam, 
because it is through their prayers and knowledge that your and our 
struggle will win the blessing of Allah and the true victory. 
Oppressing the `ulama will only hasten the wreath of Allah upon us 
We pray that by conveying our salutation of peace and this message to 
the leaders of the Palestinian fighters, you and all of the 
Palestinian Muslim fighters will be blessed and granted by Allah the 
strength to attain your independence and liberate Masjidil Aqsha.
Even if we may not see you again in this world, Insha Allah we shall 
meet again before the Most Just of all Judges on the Day of Judgment.
Keep on fighting, Allaahu Akbar!

Jakarta, 10 Syawwal 1428/22 October 2007

KH Cholil Ridwan,
Co-Chairman Majelis Ulama Indonesia
Co-Chairman Dewan Da'wah Islamiyah Indonesia

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