Pretending to be conservatives; minority controlled majority mainstream Media 
with the money from their counter parts in Wall Street & Hollywood; with their 
unprecedented feed is trying to brain wash American public with their choice of 
Presidential candidates without educating them about massive financial crises, 
trade deficit, America’s status as biggest debtor nation in the world & other 
problems like serious threats of terrorism at home & abroad. American forces 
are at war in Iraq & Afghanistan besides 38 other countries to fight global 
terrorism. Still this minority controlled mainstream Media is dictating; 
Americans must elect a President with no character, convictions, vision & 
understanding of economy!
  There is a saying “in the Land of the Blind, the one-eyed is a Queen!” The 
fact is main three Democrat contenders are all first term Senators  & Attorneys 
with no experience in foreign relations and economy. No one has ever run a 
corner store, has put a corner stone in their back yard or run even small town 
as its Mayor.
  One an Ambulance Chaser (Trial Attorney) with very good oratory skills thinks 
Presidency of America is just like appearing in front of Trial Judge with 
tutored client pretending to be in pain with the support of Doctors to extract 
public money, one with crafty literary help wants Americans to elects him 
President by believing in his re-invented story of regained Christianity “A 
born again Christian” and they must forget his vast inexperience and third 
favorite of every one in Media, Wall Street & Hollywood with powerful Money 
Machine lubricated by the likes of fugitive racketeers & swindlers Marc Rich & 
Dr Sabharwal, Norman Hsu, Sant Singh Chatwal, Vinod Gupta, Pharmaceutical, 
Health Insurance, Defense contractors etc. all tied to major league creeps. 
  None of them can be trusted to deal competently with any future crisis over 
Iran or Middle East or Terrorism and present financial mess. None of them are 
likely to evoke any respect from world Leaders especially Middle East . 
  Like womanizer governor Jon Corzine of New Jersey; Hillary Clinton, the one 
eyed queen wants to capitalize on HLC; Hispanic, Liberal and conservatives with 
her extreme make over character being supported by her womanizer husband. She 
lacks core convictions, morality, ethics, character and is not afraid at all to 
misrepresent or speak half truths or complete lies. Under conservative mask HRC 
is a ruthless, emotionless, characterless & dangerously over ambitious 
reincarnation of Prime Minister of India “Indra Gandhi” who took India towards 
caste war, poverty & state sponsored massive corruption in the name of self 
reliance, which ultimately resulted in creating the biggest population of $800 
million poor in India; out of which 300 million people are below poverty line 
making $2 a day that also include biggest army of 80 million child labor. Under 
her understanding of Hurricane Relief plan; Hillary pushed for $75 million for 
counseling in the wake of Hurricane Katrina-for
 the residents of New York !
  Media favorite Republican front runner former Democrat Rudy Giuliani at the 
time of crisis during 9/11 did behaved like a Leader but that was Mayor of New 
York with bipartisan unprecedented help from Federal & State Governments, help 
from every nook & corner of America from every American and the entire world. 
When electing a President voters always look for candidates own proven record 
not the mass assisted record. Rudy still has to define Character of 6 
marriages; 3 of his own & 3 of his current spouse, his relationship with his 
children who are not even on talking terms with him, his security expanses with 
Tax Payers dollars for visits to his paramour in Hampton when they were paying 
for the security of his wife and his nomination of a corrupt Bernard Kirk as 
Home Land Security Chief; who is facing indictment for bribery & other charges; 
all unassisted decisions!
  Fred Thompson Conservative Republican’s likely choice over Giuliani to get 
Party nomination according to Media, when he was not even in the Race. One Term 
Senator who never raised an important issue and never answer a serious question 
in Senate.  A man with a trophy wife 25 years younger than him who is of his 
daughter's age is a passionate conservative!  A man for more than a decade out 
of politics making his living as an actor and campaigning in a convicted drug 
dealers Jet; makes him genius in American Economy! 
  Sycophants are comparing Thompson with conservative statesman & a visionary 
Ronald Reagan who laid the foundations for Rich & Wealthy America, responsible 
for crushing defeat to communism and break up of communist Russia . Media is 
not telling the public that Ronald Reagan became President after 2 unsuccessful 
bids for nomination and two successful terms as governor of California ; the 
5th largest economy of the world and the largest economy among 50 US states. 
Ronald Reagan also holds the distinction of being the only California governor 
to become the President of the United States of America .
  Confused liberals under the mask of conservatives are planning to put up a 
Michael Bloomberg as Independent candidate for President, if their favorite one 
eyed Queen Hillary Clinton fails to get Democrat Party nomination. A womanizer 
who keeps paying undisclosed amounts for settling illicit affairs like his 
filthy rich friend Gov Jon Corzine of New Jersey who paid $6 million to Labor 
Union Leader Carla Katz. It is not clear who is the Role Model for whom; 
Corzine ended his marriage of 25 years and Bloomberg dumped his wife after 19 
years, both to become free wild sex birds. With questionable character, morals 
and sinister plans Bloomberg wants to govern America with 300 million people, 
where 80% of them still consider Religion & Character is a very important part 
of their lives!
  This is the same Michael Bloomberg who used to be a Democrat; to become Mayor 
of New York may have bribed the local Republicans thru a middleman called Rudy 
Giuliani another former Democrat. In March Bloomberg resigned from Republican 
Party declared himself an Independent. Since than he is on a Tour of America 
with his  paid paramours and  Bloomberg Radio & TV  clout giving out Future 
President like stump speeches. He wants to be a another Ross Perot who took 19% 
votes in 1992 to defeat George Bush to make way for a womanizer Bill Clinton's 
Presidency. Looking at his shady character and Democrat’s expertise in rigging 
elections he is hoping the Democrat controlled House of Representatives will 
render a favorable verdict in his or any other Democrat including vastly 
inexperienced Barack Obama's favor if any Candidates failed to win the 
necessary 270 votes in the Electoral College. 
  Recently some crazy liberals have mooted the idea of Bloomberg-Gore Ticket 
because Gore got Noble Peace prize for which entire world is still shocked and 
desperately searching for answers; why Al Gore got this Noble Peace Prize?  
  Only 2 of the Presidential candidates have Character, Honesty, Convictions, 
Executive experience, understand Economy, reasons of economic down turn, 
international trade & crafty debt derivatives. Both of them have been Governors 
of totally Blue states Arkansas & Massachusetts popularly got elected with 
Democrat votes underscores their popularity among Republicans and Democrats 
alike. That makes both of them True Leaders acceptable to all. 
  Mike Huckabee a southern Baptist Minister is a very religious person   with 
over 10 yrs as Arkansas Governor is a very able administrator with 
understanding of economy and public service. Since 1992 Huckabee has fought 3 
proxy wars with Clinton ’s massive money machines and successfully defeated 
their nominees on their home turf by getting Democrat votes to become governor 
of Arkansas . 
  But it is Mitt Romney who is a hugely successful proven business Leader, 
insider of US & Int’l financial markets, fairly successful Governor & a 
Political Leader, successful husband & father and a religious person; who 
stands shade taller than Mike.  In the best interest of America Mike should put 
his ego aside and must accept Romney is better qualified to deal with present 
crisis and he can be a good team as Vice President with Mitt Romney. They can 
be a formidable team and will go down in the history as one of the best Team, 
American’s ever had.
  Media is scared to discuss Romney’s all round fair achievements as compared 
to others in the field. Rather than discussing real Leader with a proven track 
record of hard work, experience, intelligence & character, under Semitism they 
are trashing him 24/7 for being a Mormon. As if elected he will force every one 
to convert to Mormon. This is the same Media who never raised any objections 
when a Mormon Democrat Harry Reid became Senate Majority Leader. 
  We all know America was founded by its founding fathers a nation without an 
endorsed religion. In the words of Hon. Franklin D Roosevelt spoken in 1940: 
“We must remember that any oppression, any injustice, any hatred is a wedge 
designed to attack our civilization.” In other words this minority controlled 
majority mainstream Media is attacking our Civilization & our Founding Fathers 
by attacking the Religion of a Mormon & by attacking the very need for a 
Character and high Moral standards for the office of President of United States 
of America. 
  If British can twice elect a Jew Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli in 19th 
century (Feb. 1868 to Dec 1868 & Feb 1874 to April 1880) & majority Hindu 
nation India can appoint a Parsi Sam Maneckshaw (1962- 73) & a Jew Jack Jacob 
(1970-78) as its Chief of Army, Field Marshal and Army Generals in 20th 
century, why we are discussing especially the radical liberals at CNN, CBS & 
NBC; the Religion, Race and Gender in 21st century? Are we backward or a Racist 
society? We will not be the first nation in the world; if a Woman or American 
African or Mormon becomes President. Why not a Mormon and a Baptist Minister 
with fairly good character and understanding of economy & domestic problems as 
President & vice President of America ?
  God Bless America
  “The primary objects of government are peace, order and prosperity. For the 
promotion of these objects, good morals are essential. Institutions for the 
promotion of good morals are therefore objects of legislative provision and 
support, and among these, religious institutions are eminently useful and 
  - Oliver Ellsworth, 3rd C.J.
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  by Dave Makkar

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