
Assalamu Alaikum. 

I've just come to learn that there is quite an influx of Somali Muslims in the 
Shelbyville, Tennessee area (due to a "Google Alert" leading me to a story at 
the Shelbyville Times-Gazette). 

T-G journalist Brian Mosley has written a series of articles on the subject 
that are quite interesting (including some of the community's comments, as you 
might imagine), however, I think the series is something many of us could 
expound upon perhaps in our own communities and/or through our own writing 
efforts.  Of course, some may find fault or error in some of Brian's loosely 
interpreted (for the benefit of non-Muslim readers) understanding of matters 
pertaining to Islam - but overall, he is making a commendable effort at 
bridging the gap in his community.  

Nice work Brian. 


`Aishah Schwartz 
Founder & Director 
Muslimah Writers Alliance 
Washington, D.C. and
Alexandria, Egypt

Brian's Mosley's Series of Articles:
The Bantu: A Closer Look
December 22, 2007

Somali Refugees Find A Haven in Shelbyville
December 22, 2007

Local Services Adapt to Serve Somalis 
December 24, 2007

Finding the Truth About the Somalis
December 26, 2007

Mosque is Focus for Somali Worship
December 26, 2007

Cultural Differences Hinder Understanding 
December 26, 2007

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