NDTV  Sunetra Choudhury
  Saturday, January 19, 2008 (New Delhi)
  Father son duo of Sanjeev and Suresh Nanda are continuing their fights with 
law enforcement agencies.
Suresh Nanda's son Sanjeev is already facing trial for running over and killing 
policemen with his BMW in 1999.
CBI now wants to know how Nanda senior got 400 crores in his account from 
abroad and why UK thinks he is British.
More trouble for the Nandas, as the CBI is now investigating, if arms dealer, 
Suresh Nanda bought Delhi's Claridges hotel with kickback money he allegedly 
received for brokering as a Rs 1100 crore deal between an Israeli company and 
the Indian Army.
The CBI became interested in Suresh Nanda, son of a former navy chief after 
Interpol told the agency that 400 crore rupees had been deposited in Nanda's 
bank account in the past three months.
The CBI is backing its case with the testimony of Nanda's former chartered 
accountant Bipin Shah. Shah has tracked for the agency the source of Nanda's 
funds for all his properties including the Claridges hotel in the capital.

But the real problem for Nanda is a company document which the interpol has 
sent CBI. It shows that Nanda may have a British passport in addition to the 
Indian one he hold.
While the CBI is investigating the dual passport, Nanda denies it.

''I am surprised as it is the first time I am hearing of this. I am a proud 
Indian citizen,'' Nanda told NDTV.
But if it is proved that Nanda holds two passports, he could be charged under 
the passport act and he may lose his NRI status.
  Current Prime Minister Ehud Olmert is not the first Israeli prime minister 
suspected or being investigated for bribery, influence paddling and criminal 
activities. 4 other Prime Ministers Shimon Peres, Benjamin Netanyahu, Ehud 
Barak and Areil Sharon who preceded him were also accused of corruption, 
influence paddling and criminal activities.
  Israel 's economy is under the control of a handful of families who, like 
medieval robber barons, rob public assets, utilities and national resources, 
all with the help of corrupt officials, Politicians and ministers like Olmert. 
Israel is an example of Culture of Moral and Ethical Corruption, under the 
guise of Democracy. Major criminal investigations and corruption cases against 
the Elite Club of Wealthy, Bureaucrats & Politicians are frozen by a lack of 
will by those who are governing Israel for being part of this Elite Club. 
  Jewish’s Leadership around the world is an exclusive Organized Club with 
hardly any feelings for their own community. The proof is 34% Israeli children 
live in poverty and 20% of its population live below poverty line; an 
individual making less than $400/month and a family of 4 making less than 
$1,000.00/month. The accumulated wealth of 500 richest people is around $65 
billion in contrast to Israel ’s GDP of $130 Billion and National Budget of $65 
Billion. Israel is in the top ten nations with the widest socio-economic gap. 
It is an economically, socially and politically failed state who can not solve 
its socio-economic, political problems including its Land dispute with 
Palestine since 1967. This Land Israel has colonized for last 40 years; 3.5 
million Arab Muslims lives there with no voting Rights. Still Jews around the 
world call Israel a Democracy!
  If one looks back there was no conflict in Palestine for centuries; till 1850 
there were aprx. 400,000 Muslims (80%), 75,000 Christians (15%) and 25,000 Jews 
(5%) who lived in harmony. Then in late 1800s a Zionist group from Europe 
decided to colonize this Land to create a “Jewish Homeland” after rejecting 
locations in Africa and South America . At first this immigration created no 
problem; however when more and more Jews immigrated with the sole stated desire 
to take land for an exclusive Jewish state fighting with escalating waves of 
violence  erupted between the 2 groups.
  Finally in 1947 United Nations (UNO) under the pressure of American Jews 
intervened and dishonestly arbitrarily decided to give 55% of Palestine to 
Jewish state despite the fact this group represented only 30% of the total 
population and owned less than 7% of the Land. A war broke out between Jewish 
Forces with American & European money consisting 90,000 European trained 
soldiers with most modern weaponry including fighter & bomber planes and 30,000 
ill-equipped, improvised, poorly trained men representing Arab Forces. Entire 
civilized world watch this one sided no contest war with a known outcome. By 
the end of 1948 war Jewish state “ Israel ” was created on 78% Palestine 
conquered Land. This was far more than that proposed generous UN conspiracy. A 
new map was drawn up in which every city; river and hillock received a New 
Hebrew name to erase all vestiges of the Palestine culture.  
  In 1967 Israel launched a surprise war lasting 6 days and occupied remaining 
22% of Palestine that had eluded it in 1948; the West Bank and Gaza Strip. It 
also occupied parts of Egypt (which has been returned) and Syria which is still 
under their occupation. Israel has inevitably created destabilizing effects in 
their pursuit to maintain an ethnically preferential Jewish State, particularly 
when majority land it is on was forcibly colonized that primarily belongs to 
Arab Muslims. This has destabilized the peace in the entire Middle East . The 
original state which was 80% Muslim & 15% Christians have become refugees and 
are not being allowed to return home in the current Jewish state Israel; which 
is in violation to UN guaranteed Refugee Rights to return to their Homeland.
  Israel ’s defiance to 1993 Bill Clinton bokered Oslo Peace accord of giving 
back West Bank & Gaza strip for the creation of Palestine state has made the 
Palestine Muslims to rebel in more violent manner. Israel by moving its 
citizens to take more land has put fuel to this violent uprising which the 
Arabs call “Intifada” (Arabic for shacking off) Intifada began in 2000 and 
continued to this day and turning more violent each day.  
  Israel ’s continued illegal confiscation of Palestine Land since 1967 in the 
West Bank and Gaza Strip is being resisted by the Palestine inhabitants with 
violence, terrorism and guerilla war tactics. Israeli government in retaliation 
feels it is ethical to Bomb Palestine civilians including children. This gave 
status of a Leader to terrorist like Yaser Arafat who can be named as inventor 
of human Bomb. Despite his numerous wives and more than 100 children he never 
made any of his own family members a human bomb. This type of terrorism, 
guerilla war and Islamic Jihad invented & practiced in Israel/Palestine has 
spread to the whole world and has destabilized the world peace. 
  Every where Organized Jewish Leadership wants the whole world to talk 24/7 
about the holocaust in which 5 million (an inflated figure) Jews were killed by 
Hitler rather than their illegal colonization of Palestine Land . This 
Leadership does not wish to address current failed socio, economics & political 
policies of Israel and illegal colonization of Palestine Land with 3.5 million 
Arab Muslim Slaves. It is an irony no one including the Indians themselves have 
ever talked about more than 4 million Indian Bengali victims including new born 
children who perished alive in 1940  Bengal famine under inhuman, atrocious and 
cruel British Rule. The British Colonizers have yet to tender a formal apology 
or regret or any help to those families whose members died in Bengal famine.
  This Culture of Moral and Ethical Corruption by Jewish organized Leadership 
have penetrated America in a big way with their control of Wall Street, Main 
Stream Media, Real Estate, Hollywood and Politics. 2% Jewish Population of 
America has organized 11% representation in US Senate and 8% in Congress 
spanning over 17 states of America with assets in trillions of dollars. It 
looks like this Organized Leadership wants to repeat the history of 
colonization of Palestine by their ancestors in America . In majority Christian 
nation America which ever Town Jewish Leadership control; corruption & racism 
becomes hallmark of their administration. Saying “Merry Christmas” is an insult 
for Leadership and shutting down whole Town on Jewish religious days are the 
  Just for an example under this Organized Leadership representing 3% Jewish 
population, New Jersey is probably the most corrupt & racist state in the 
world. This state in 8,000 sq miles has more than 1 Elected Politician & 50 
Employees per Square Miles (over 9,000 Elected Scoundrels & 400,000 Employees 
with little or no work) for 8.5 Million residents under 588 Gangs (governments) 
in 566 Racially segregated Princely Estates (towns) with a budget of $74 
billion and deficit of $140 billion including unfunded liabilities like state 
pension, healthcare and transport fund. New Jersey is legally corrupt & legally 
racially segregated under the Jewish/Israeli Rulers & their cronies. This state 
with highest Property Taxes $7,500.00 & highest cost $19,000.00 to educate a 
student in the nation also takes pride in its 250,000 students who can not 
comprehend in basic education. 
  NJ’s current Jew Governor Jon Corzine created a history by buying US Senate 
seat for $64 million in 2000 & then spends another $85 million in 2005 to 
exchange it with a bed in NJ Governor’s Mansion. Last year Corzine gave $6 
million to Carla Katz a state Labor Union Leader to sleep with her on the bed 
of public interest. His lunatic friend Zygmunt Wilf is doing massive wholesale 
permanent Environment Damage to build Dream luxury condos in a Jewish town 
Springfield . This type of Environmental Destruction on Steep Slopes including 
100% damage to vegetation, wild life and cutting down 100-150 years old trees 
no other country will ever allow. He also rewarded his moral & ethical trash 
cleaner Stuart Rabner who saw him buying votes of the less fortunate especially 
in Irvington where he polled over 97% votes to become governor; with the 
Supreme Court Chief Justice’s position for the rest of his life.
  Beside few other nationalities; Jews are also allowed dual citizenship in 
America . In Israel more than 100,000 American Jews are living there. Israel 
has permitted them to serve in their Army and to vote in their elections. It is 
a debatable issue how one can trust such a privileged class with divided 
loyalties who is hostage to its own Leadership in any country?  Especially when 
this Organized Leadership is governing Israel promoting a Culture of Moral & 
Ethical Corruption with guns & bombs to glorify their illegal confiscation of 
Palestine Land . To hide all of this they want the entire world to live in the 
past that Jews were massacred by Hitler so they deserve every one’s sympathy.
  Can the preachers of Peace and Liberty pay attention to this 40 year old 
blood soaked ongoing territorial dispute between Israel & Palestine; which is 
threatening world Peace and Liberty of other humans around the world? How can 
we forget that this conflict has given birth to Human Bombs, status of Leaders 
to Terrorist & Separatist and Islamic Jihad around the world?
  God Bless United States of America and every human on earth.
  Dave Makkar
  Jan.10th, 2008

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