Yes! This is the same "Veil/Purdah" which Europe loathes and detests, and the 
very vision of which weighs heavily on the Western conscience, and which is 
regarded as a mark of oppression, narrow mindedness and barbarism. Yes, this is 
the same thing that is mentioned first of all in pointing out the ignorance and 
backwardness of an Eastern nation. So much so that when a person has to 
describe the cultural and social advancement of an Eastern nation, the first 
thing that he mentions with great satisfaction is that it has discarded the 
"Purdah/Veil". Now if the Muslim so feels, let him hang his head with shame. 
For it is not something that was devised and adopted later it was indeed 
devised by the Qur'an itself and established by the Holy Prophet himself as a 
social custom...
  Indeed, all the disputes about the veil spring from this hypocrisy. People 
have tried their very best to prove that the present form of Purdah/Veil was a 
custom of the pre-Islamic communities, and that Muslims adopted this custom of 
ignorance long after the time of the Holy Prophet. 
  If one carefully considers these injunctions for Purdah/Veil, one will find 
that the Islamic Purdah/Veil is not a custom of ignorance, but it is a rational 
law. A custom of ignorance is something rigid: it does not permit modification 
or change under any circumstances. If it covers a thing, it covers it forever, 
and it cannot be uncovered whatever may happen. In contrast to this, a rational 
law is flexible. It permits strictness and laxity according to the 
circumstances'; it permits exceptions in its rules according to the time and 
  "O Prophet, enjoin your wives and daughters and the women of the Muslims to 
draw their outer-garments close round them; it is expected that they will be 
recognized, and thus not molested..."  (33:59)
  "Every religion has a morality, and the morality of Islam is Haya (Shyness)".
  The word "Purdah/Veil" is used as a title for the set of injunctions, which 
constitute the most important part of the Islamic system of community life. If 
these injunctions are viewed in their right perspective against the structure 
of this system, every person who has not wholly lost his powers of discernment 
will readily admit this to be the only balanced and just view in regard to 
man's social life.
     Please read   
  Purdah/Veil and the Status of Women in ISLAM
  Sayyid A. A. Maududi
  For anyone looking for comprehensive & deeper information about the long 
debated issue of Purdah/Veil and the Status of Women in ISLAM, this book will 
help you to a better understanding of the topic. The roles and rights of Muslim 
women have been the subject of hot debate amongst Muslims and non-Muslims for 
centuries.  Adequate Quranic references on the topic of Hijab, Purdah and the 
Muslim Woman's dress code as appointed by Allah Almighty and Prophet Muhammad 
  In this landmark book, Sayyid Maududi, one of the leading Islamic Scholar of 
our time shatters stereotypes and clearly presents the topics with the 
historical & logical approach. It covers the following areas: Nature of the 
Problem, Status of Woman in Different Ages Greece, Rome, Christian Europe, 
Modern Europe, Three Doctrines of Western Society, Miserable Failure of Human 
Intellect, Western Concepts of Morality, Tragic Consequences - I & II, The 
Decisive Question, Social System of Islam -I,II & III, Commandments of 
Purdah/Veil and Divine Laws for the Movements of Women.
  This is one of the author's MASTERPIECE book and this package of material is 
appropriate for Muslims and for Non-Muslims wishing to gain a deeper 
understanding of the Purdah/Veil and the Status of Women in ISLAM.
  FREE Available on 
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