Muslim journalists? None of you qualify as journalists! I have given you
all information about the biggest story in the world. I've only had one
bite and that was to cast doubt on my initial post. It wasn't to ask for
further information or more details! No! To make out from a vantage
point of supreme ignorance, that I am lying or deluded.

I have received one inquiry from a journalist in the UK (not a member of
this web group). Unfortunately he won't be able to publish anything in
the UK (or any other English speaking country) owing to the Defence
Notices in place. Being journalists you should know what a D-Notice is,
but I'm not surprised that none of you do. If any of you did, you should
have contacted me ASAP because D-Notices are not widely know about
outside of journalism and are only issued by governments for very
important matters – usually 'national security'.

The first journalist to pick up the story I am offering will be
recognised for it long after their death. It is international in scope
and could destroy the British government – indeed the entire British
government system. It will have huge effects on the international
economy and could drastically change the way governments are structured
and function. That would benefit just about everybody.

Yeah, this story is a little dull to begin with. The journalist who can
grit their teeth and get an understanding of the foundational law and
history will then experience a flash of illumination as the consequences
and possibilities begin unfolding themselves. But I don't think it'll be
any 'journalist' from this web-group. Just remember that some mad guy
who styled himself 'Albert Fish' offered you the story and the details
so that after the story breaks you can contemplate what you missed out
on in the full understanding that stuff like this happens less than once
in a lifetime.

Albert <>

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