April 8, 2010
Dallas, Texas
Passage of 18th Amendment
By Saeed Qureshi
With the passage of the 18th amendment in the National Assembly of Pakistan, 
the country  changes tracks from the presidential to the parliamentary form of 
government as was originally enshrined in the 1973 constitution. 
Understandably, the Senate would also pass it and it would become a part of 
Pakistan’s constitution. Pakistan People’s Party, Pakistan Muslim League (N) 
and other political parties ought to be complimented for this historic 
development. Belatedly though, yet it did come finally and perhaps this is the 
first giant step that has been taken after a long period of poltical 
uncertainty and dictatorship.
 Hopefully, the 18th amendment would prove to be a stepping stone for building 
afresh a new democratic edifice that would endure and will be safeguarded by 
the coming governments and dispensations. The most glittering and redeeming 
feature of the passage of 18th amendment is that barring certain dissenting 
notes, it has been passed unanimously which is the second such healthy 
tradition set up by the political leadership almost 37 years after the adoption 
of the 1973 constitution by consensus. 
The annulment of 17th amendment - with some acceptable exceptions, and its 
replacement with the 18the amendment abolishes the orders and ordinances that 
were enacted by the former president Musharraf to make the president’s office 
invincible and his semi-dictatorial regime fortified. Although the 1973 
constitutional had incorporated guarantees against the military takeover, yet 
in contraventions of those safeguards, two martial were imposed in the country 
thereafter. However, from now onwards, it is hoped that if the political forces 
keep behaving and do not join the military heads to destabilize the political 
systems as was done against Zulfikar Ali Bhutto and later Mian Nawaz Sharif, no 
military chief would dare stage another military coup.  The abiding lesson is 
that the worst democracy is better than the best dictatorship.
Now when the parties with regional stamp such as MQM, ANP have been duly 
compensated and have willingly participated in the smooth and unanimous passage 
of the landmark 18th amendment, it can be visualized that no parochial frenzy 
would be stirred against the center and other provinces. The 18thy amendment is 
akin to Magna Carta as far decentralization and devolution of powers to the 
provinces is concerned. The 18th amendment contains such far reaching 
stipulations as abolition of a concurrent list of subjects to give more 
autonomy to the provinces. It also lifts bar on more than two terms of a prime 
minister or chief minister. It ordains the constitution of Judicial Commission 
for appointment of judges with chief justice as the chairman. 
There are still fringe parties and factions that would not be happy because 
they would not be able now to press for their narrow agendas and parochial 
designs to get out of the federation of Pakistan. Such splinter factions stand 
defeated and further marginalized and their foreign abetters must be squarely 
The right of the provinces over their natural resources has been accepted in 
the 18th amendment. The provinces would be able to run and administer their own 
local government systems and also enter into direct financial loans and credit 
arrangements with external parties without involvement of the center. There are 
host of other rights that really make the constituent units independent and 
having self rule which in turn would consolidate the federation of Pakistan. 
The change of the NWFP name to Khyber Pakhtunkhawa meets a long standing demand 
of the Awami National Party that commands support in the Pashto speaking areas 
of that volatile region. Still it would be desirable if the demand and the 
reaction from residents of the Hazara region, who want a separate province 
other than the Khyber Pakhtunkhawa, can be given a serious consideration. The 
discontent among Hazara inhabitants is growing and if their demands are not 
seriously looked into, this trend and movement might escalate to other regions 
with similar demands and sentiments.
While a very formidable constitutional hurdle has been overcome and relatively 
there are soothing signs as expressed by ordinary citizens and the political 
and social circles, the bull of grassroots problems has yet to be caught by 
horns and tamed. Pakistan is in the throes of massive and unprecedented 
socio-civic morass, in that the power outrages continue for as long as 18-20 
hours a day. The life is in a mess. The commercial and the industrial sectors 
are mostly dysfunctional due to power blackouts, short supply of water and lack 
or absence of civic facilities. 
The common man is faced with a cataclysm of horrendous day to day problems that 
has made his life nightmarish. The hospitals, the educational sector, the roads 
and traffic, fragile law and order,   unemployment and sanitation and similar 
problems are enormous and aggravating. The moral vices such a bribe, 
corruption, misuse of power, spurious drugs, the land grabbing mafia, fake 
educational testimonials, domestic violence, poverty, illiteracy, rape, 
kidnappings,  the ghost schools, the adulterations and the dearness of food and 
other staple necessities  and  undue  profiteering have to be curbed with full 
force of law.
The role of army and particularly that of the COAS, Gen. General Ashfaq Parvez 
Kayani is certainly laudable who despite tempting occasions for interference 
and impostion of military rule has  remained completely unconcerned of the 
political upheavals and thus the political leadership has finally been able to 
hammer out a viable recourse for reestablishing the veritable ascendency of the 
parliament.  General Kayani deserves national approbation for his commitment to 
the democracy and representative governance.
Predictably, when the Charter of Democracy signed between PPP and PMLN has seen 
the light of the day and translated into reality, the PMLN would now rejoin the 
federal government. It would further lend strength to the federal structure and 
would lead towards unity among the disparate political forces, entailing 
national cohesion. The poltical bickering and brinkmanship would be checked and 
with a political harmony, the leadership would be able to steer the country out 
of dire straits. It is time for national jubilation.
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Saeed Qureshi

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