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Lies on Jewish Holocaust

There are many strange things in Jewish Holocaust. First the number of 6 
million Jewish Victims which is exaggerated.  For information, the total Jewish 
population in Great Britain only 300,000 people, in France only 500,000, in 
Russia around 230,000 while in Germany around 500,000 people. How come the 
number of Jewish victims become 6 millions with many survivors?

Just look the Jews population in the world:

Instead data from World Almanac show that the Jewish population increased from 
15,319,359 in 1949 to 15,690,000 in 1947.

There is more 370,641 (2.36%) Jews in just 7 years. So the claim that there are 
6 million Jews died in World War II is just a hoax. The strange thing is people 
who denies the Holocaust could be sentenced in prison with the charge of 
AntiSemitism. Even in Europe! Research on Holocaust by scientists/historians is 
forbidden!  People should just believe what the Jews told us!

We also should know the total victims of World War II is around 55 million and 
the German casualty around 7 million people. Even there are 1 million people 
died in Indonesia because of either war or hunger. So making the Jews as the 
only WWII victim is very annoying especially this make the Jews in Israel 
become critic-proof for their sadistic action in slaughtering the Palestinian 

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is asked by MSNBC anchor Brian Williams 
to clarify his statements about the Holocaust. (September 2006)

Ahmadinejad asked a few questions such as in World War 2 there are 60 million 
people died. So why only Jewish victims that concerned by the people? Were the 
other 60 millions people not important?

Ahmadinejad also asked where the Holocaust happened? Why the people of 
Palestine should pay the price for the Holocaust? Israel with the help of US 
and its allies taking Palestinians’ land and also slaughter the people.

Suppose the Holocaust is true, why Holocaust research is forbidden? Any 
historian who deny holocaust well be sentenced in prison.

Ahmadinejad also said that Palestinians also human and they have feeling. Why 
Israel rob Palestinian’s land and kill Palestinian people and could get away 
just like that?

The number of Jewish victims also various even from the same media in just a 
couple of days!:

Dec. 31, 1945      French Research Dept. for Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunal      
April 20, 1978      Le Monde  (One of Frances largest newspapers)      5,000,000
Sept. 1, 1989      French newspaper “Le Monde”      1,433,000
Jan. 23, 1995      Die Welt  (One of Germanys largest newspapers)      5,000,000
Jan. 27, 1995      German newspaper “Die Welt”      1,100,000
May 31, 1995      Former Director of the Institute for Military History at 
Freiburg, Hoffmann in his book “Stalins war of Destruction”–74,000 PEOPLE, of 
whom “many were Jews”

Well, lies contradict one to another….

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