Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem 

Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa 

  Reward for the one 

who fears Allah & puts his trust in Allah

[65. Surah At-Talaq : Ayah 2-3]

[65. Surah 
At-Talaq : Ayah 2-3]

Interpretation of the 
meaning in English

"... And for those who fear Allah, 

He (ever) prepares a way out;"*1


"And He provides for him 

from (sources) he never could imagine.*2

And if any one puts his trust in Allah,

sufficient is ((Allah)) for him ..." 

[65. Surah At-Talaq : Ayah 2-3]


*1 Allah
 says that whoever acts in fear of Him,

He will open for him a way out of the difficulties.

This automatically gives the meaning that 

whoever does not fear Allah in these matters,

will create for himself such complications and difficulties

from which he will find no way out.

  *2 If a person spends his 
wealth in accordance with His law,

He will provide for him in a manner beyond all expectations.

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