 Rahmanir Raheem

Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barkatuh!


In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate!

Those people who expend their wealth 
in the way of Allah, 
and then do not follow up their charity 
with reminders of their generosity 
nor injure the feelings of the recipient,
shall get their reward from their Lord;
they will have no fear and no sorrow of any kind.*1

A kind word and forbearance is better than 
that charity which is followed up by insult or injury. Allah is Self-Sufficient 
and Forbearing.*2

(Surah-2 Al-Baqarah ~ Ayah-262-263)


*1-They need not fear that they will not be amply rewarded 

or that they will have any reason to feel remorse for spending in the way of 

*2-This implies two things. 

First, Allah does not stand in need of anybody's charity, for He is 

Secondly, He likes those people who are generous and large-hearted,

but does not like frivolous and narrow-minded people, 

for He Himself is Generous, Clement and Forbearing. 

How, then Allah, Who bestows on the people the necessities of life without 

and forgives and pardons them over and over again in spite of their errors, 

would like those who hurt the self-respect of a person by sending 

repeated reminders of their charity and making pointed references to it 

even though they might have given only a farthing. 

A Tradition of the Holy Prophet says that on the Day of Resurrection, 

Allah will neither speak a word nor even so much as look at a person 

who makes pointed references to the gift he gave to some one.


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  Our Lord! 
grant us good in this world 
and good in the hereafter,

and save us from the chastisement of the fire  











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