In the name of Allah, the Most-Merciful, the All-Compassionate
"May the Peace and Blessings of Allah be Upon You"
Praise be to Allaah, we seek His help and His forgiveness. We seek refuge with 
Allaah from the evil of our own souls and from our bad deeds. Whomsoever Allaah 
guides will never be led astray, and whomsoever Allaah leaves astray, no one 
guide. I bear witness that there is no god but Allaah, and I bear witness that 
Muhammad is His slave and Messenger.
Bismillah Walhamdulillah Was Salaatu Was Salaam 'ala Rasulillah
As-Salaam Alaikum Wa-Rahmatullahi Wa-Barakatuhu

        * Wiping the Head and Ears and Imaamah 
1. Wiping over all of the head as Allaah taala says: ...wamsahoo bi 
ruoosikum...:...rub your heads (with water) 

[Soorat-ul-Maa'idah 5:7] 

Ibn Qudaamah says in al-Mughnee': Some of the people who claim that that which 
is ordered to be wiped is part of the head only - claim that the (Baa) [in the 
verse] means "part of" as if He had said: "Wipe part of your heads".' However, 
we say that in His saying wamsahoo bi ru'oosikum the (Baa) is as if He said 
regarding Tayammum wamsahoo bi wujoohikum [Allaah ta'ala orders us to wipe the 

35. In the hadeeth of'Abdullaah ibn Zaid (radhiAllaahu'anhu) is a further proof 
of the incorrectness of the saying that it means "a part of" - in that the 
Prophet (sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) wiped his head with his two hands, 
moving them forwards and backwards - beginning with the front of the head and 
(wiping) with them up to his nape then he (sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) 
returned them to the place from which he began. [Al-Bukhaaree (al-Fath, 1/251), 
Muslim (no.235), at-Tirmidhee (no.28) and others]. 

2. Wiping the ears: The ruling for the ears is the same as that for the head.

36. And it is authentically reported that Rasoolullah (sallallaahu 'alaihi wa 
sallam) said The two ears are a part of the head. [Reported by at-Tirmidhee, 
no.37; Abu Dawood, no.l34 and Ibn Maajah, no.444]. (Declared by ash-Shaikh 
al-Albaanee to be saheeh - as-Saheehah, 1/36 - and Imam Ahmad was of the view 
that wiping the ears has the same ruling as that for wiping the head.)] 

As for those who hold the view that it is a sunnah they do not have any 
except their regarding this hadeeth as being daeef - it is however authentic 
to a chain of narration which they did not come across and so the proof is with 
our saying - and Allaah Knows best. 

And of the scholars who hold that they are part of the head are Ibn 
'Ataa, al-Hasan, Ibn Seereen, Sa'eed ibn Jubair and an-Nakha'ee and it is the 
saying of ath-Thauree and Ahl ur-Ra'y and Imams Malik and Ahmad ibn Hanbal. 

        * Taking Fresh Water for the Head and Ears 
37. Ash-Shaikh al-Albaanee says in 'ad-Da'eefah', no.995: There is not to be 
found in the Sunnah anything which obligates taking fresh water for the ears - 
therefore he should wipe them along with the water for the head - just as it is 
also permissible to wipe the head with the water remaining from that of the 
after washing them according to the hadeeth of Ar-Rabee' bint Mu'awwidh that 
Prophet (sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) "wiped his head with water remaining in 
his hand". [Reported by Abu Dawood and others with hasan isnaad]. 

        * The Way of Wiping 38 
>From 'Abdullaah ibn 'Amr - about the way of performing wudoo - he said: Then 
(sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) wiped his head and entered his two forefingers 
into his ears and wiped the backs of his ears with his thumbs. [Reported by Abu 
Dawood (no.135), an-Nasaa'ee (no.140), Ibn Maajah (no.422) and authenticated by 
Ibn Khuzaimah]. 

        * Wiping Over the 'Imaamah (Turban) Only 39 
'Amr ibn Umayyah (radhiAllaahu 'anhu) said: I saw Rasoolullah (sallallaahu 
'alaihi wa sallam) wipe over his turban and leather socks. [Reported by 
al-Bukhaaree (al Fath, 1/266) and others]. 

40. Bilaal (radhiAllaahu 'anhu) reports that the Prophet (sallallaahu'alaihi wa 
sallam) wiped over the leather socks and the head cover. [Reported by Muslim, 

        * Wiping Over the Turban and Forelock 41 
Al-Mugheerah ibn Shu'bah (radhiAllaahu'anhu) reports that the Prophet 
(sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) made wudoo and wiped over his forelock and over 
the turban and leather socks. [Reported by Muslim, 1/159]. 

Ibn Qudaamah says in 'al-Mughnee' (1/310); And if part of the head is uncovered 
and it is normally so, then it is preferable to wipe over that along with the 
turban - that is recorded from Ahmad: as the Prophet (sallallaahu 'alaihi wa 
sallam) wiped over his turban and forelock - as occurs in the hadeeth of 
al-Mugheerah ibn Shu'bah. 

As for caps/'prayer hats', it is not permissible to wipe over them as Ahmad 
for various reasons, from them: 

(1) They do not cover all of the head normally, nor are they tied around it. 
There is no difficulty in their removal. 

As for the woman's head cover - it is permissible to wipe over it as Umm 
used to wipe over her head cover - as reported by Ibn al-Mundhir. 
(See'al-Mughnee', 1/312). 

        * Washing the Feet and Ankles 
Allaah ta'ala says: ...wa arjulakum ilaal ka'bayn...: ...and (wash) your feet 
the ankles [Soorat-ul-Maa'idah 5:7] [thus ordering the washing of the feet and 

42. Ibn 'Umar (radhiAllaahu 'anhumaa) said: Rasoolullah (sallallaahu 'alaihi wa 
sallam) fell behind us and then came upon us during a journey, then we found 
and it was time for 'Asr - so we began to make wudoo and wipe over our feet, so 
he (sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) called out at the top of his voice Woe to 
ankles from the Fire. (two or three times) [Al-Bukhaaree (al Fath, 1/232) and 
Muslim, 3/128]. 

An-Nawawi says in his explanation of Sahih Muslim after mentioning the hadeeth: 
Muslim's intention (rahimahullah) in quoting these hadeeth was to prove with it 
the obligation of washing the feet - and that wiping them is not sufficient.

43. In the hadeeth of al-Bukhaaree and Muslim from Humraan ibn Abaan that 
'Uthmaan (radhiAllaahu'anhu) called for water for wudoo and then mentioned the 
wudoo of the Prophet (sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) - then Humraan said: Then 
he washed his right foot to the ankle three times and then his left foot to the 
ankle three times. 

44. As Abu Hurairah (radhiAllaahu 'anhu) did in Muslim's narration: "Then he 
washed his right foot till he reached the shin, then he washed the left foot 
till he reached the shin" and in the end of the hadeeth said: This is what I 
Rasoolullah (sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam) do. [Muslim, 1/246]. From this 
hadeeth - O Brother Muslim - it becomes clear that the ankles enter into this 
washing as is clear from his saying 'till he reached the shin'. 

45. Al-Mustaurad (radhiAllaahu 'anhu) said: When the Prophet (sallallaahu 
'alaihi wa sallam) made wudoo he would enter the water between his toes with 
little finger. [Reported by Abu Dawood (no.148), at-Tinnidhee (no.40) and Ibn 
Maajah (no.446). 

to be contd....

How  To Perform Wudoo  (In English).

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