
On Fri, Jan 31, 2014 at 03:42:03PM -0800, Glen Larsen wrote:
> On Fri, Jan 31, 2014 at 1:08 PM, Jason Cooper <>wrote:
> > I've been casually learning piano for the past six months or so.  I'm
> > currently working on Fur Elise [1].  In my naive experience, it seems as
> > though a few sustains are missing in the first movement.
> >
> > The original lilypond file is here [2].  I've attached a patch, below.
> >
> > If I'm correct (big if :) ), I'm not sure how to do the sustainOff in
> > the very first measure (start of repeat).  lilypond complains that there
> > isn't a matching sustainOn and fails out.
> If you are talking about putting a sustainOff in the very first measure you
> could "fake it" by using markup with the glyph directly:
> \markup{\musicglyph #"pedal.*"}

Ok, great!  That's exactly what I was looking for.

> That's how I read your post but I'm not sure that it would make sense at
> the start of the piece.

I'm not sure how to do proper scoring, so my question had several
layers.  The answer above is perfect for the first layer (how to do it
with lilypond).

Now for the second layer (musical scoring in general): When the
intro repeats, and just before you loop back, there's a \sustainOn.
Should you indicate \sustainOff at the beginning of the piece?

The third layer is regarding Mutopia's version of Fur Elise: are there
missing sustains in the first movement as I've indicated in the patch
below?  If I'm wrong, all of the above is educational, but unnecessary.

> I am assuming this is for your own use?

No, if it's more correct, I'll send it to contributions@m.o.  Changes
like fingering and note colorization are things I imagine wouldn't be
useful to anyone but beginners.  Which I would maintain as a separate
branch.  If people are interested, I'd be happy to post it.  I'll
probably do that anyway, most likely in the form of a git repo.

On that thread, is it possible to create a vertical yellow box the width
of one note, spanning the bass _and_ treble clef?  iow, as if I had run
a highlighter vertically down the page.  I'm using this as a visual clue
to myself "hey dummy, these two notes need to be played simultaneously"

I found \markup {\filled-box ...} [3], but I'm not sure how to calculate
xext and yext.  I'll freely admit this is a lack of rtfm on my part.
However, the docs aren't helping since they don't show the resulting
boxes in relation to a score.  It also seems to throw a lot of things
out of whack (failed bar checks and whatnot).



> > [1]
> > [2] 
> >

> >
> > --------->8------------------
> > diff --git a/ b/
> > index a1fe0aa6dc27..9878689cca35 100644
> > --- a/
> > +++ b/
> > @@ -77,14 +77,14 @@
> >   \partial 8 r8\pp R4. a,16\sustainOn e a r16 r8\sustainOff e,16\sustainOn
> > e gis r r8\sustainOff
> >   a,16\sustainOn e a r r8\sustainOff R4. a,16\sustainOn e a r r8\sustainOff
> >   e,16\sustainOn e gis r r8\sustainOff }
> > - \alternative { { a,16 e a r } { a,16[ e \bar "" a16] r \set
> > Timing.measurePosition = #(ly:make-moment -1 8) r8 } }
> > + \alternative { { a,16\sustainOn e a r } { a,16\sustainOn[ e \bar "" a16]
> > r \set Timing.measurePosition = #(ly:make-moment -1 8) r8\sustainOff } }
> >   \repeat volta 2 {
> >   c16\sustainOn g c' r r8\sustainOff g,16\sustainOn g b r r8\sustainOff
> >   a,16\sustainOn e a r r8 e,16 e e' r r \clef treble e'16[ e''] r r dis''[
> > e''] r\sustainOff r16 dis''[ e''] r r8 R4.
> >   \clef bass a,16\sustainOn e a r16 r8\sustainOff e,16\sustainOn e gis r
> > r8\sustainOff
> >   a,16\sustainOn e a r r8\sustainOff R4. a,16\sustainOn e a r r8\sustainOff
> >   e,16\sustainOn e gis r r8\sustainOff }
> > - \alternative { { a,16 e a r r8 } { a,16[ e a] <bes c'>[ <a c'> <g bes
> > c'>] } }
> > + \alternative { { a,16\sustainOn e a r r8\sustainOff } { a,16[ e a] <bes
> > c'>[ <a c'> <g bes c'>] } }
> >
> >   f16 a c' a c' a f bes d' bes d' bes f e' <f g bes> e' <f g bes> e' f a
> > c' a c' a f a c' a c' a e a c' a <d d'> f
> >   g16 e' g e' g f' \clef treble <c' e'>8 r16 <f' g'>[ <e' g'> <d' f' g'>]
> > <c' e' g'>8 \clef bass <f a>8[ <g b>]
> >
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> > Mutopia-discuss mailing list
> >
> >
> >

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