I discovered a little glitch in mutt 2.1.5: after sending mail, the up
and down arrow keys stopped working (error message "key unbound" or
similar). The normal keys still worked, so I used "q" to quit mutt,
restarted it and everything was fine again.

My setup uses msmtp to send mails and I recently encrypted my smtp
password with GnuPG 2, so every time I send mail pinentry-curses is
invoked and prompts for the password to my gpg key.

In sendlib.c line 2780 there is a comment that this use case should be
supported by mutt:

  /* Some user's $sendmail command uses gpg for password decryption,
   * and is set up to prompt using ncurses pinentry.  If we
   * mutt_endwin() it leaves other users staring at a blank screen.
   * So instead, just force a hard redraw on the next refresh. */

Then it calls the function mutt_need_hard_redraw() *before* sending the
message with send_msg(). The redraw works because it is done on the next
refresh after send_msg(). But mutt_need_hard_redraw() in curs_lib.c also
includes a call to the curses function "keypad (stdscr, TRUE)". I suspect
it to be necessary for working arrow keys in mutt. My speculation is
that it has to come *after* pinentry-curses from send_msg() has reset
the terminal to keep the arrow keys working in mutt.

A test with the attached patch, moving mutt_need_hard_redraw() after
send_msg(), was successful and the arrow keys were working again after
sending mail.

As I'm not a curses expert, I could be wrong and ask here if anyone can
confirm or reject this reasoning. Maybe there is a better way to fix
this issue.

diff -urd mutt-2.1.5/sendlib.c mutt-2.1.5-patched/sendlib.c
--- mutt-2.1.5/sendlib.c        2021-12-30 21:43:42.000000000 +0100
+++ mutt-2.1.5-patched/sendlib.c        2022-01-11 19:15:10.126437189 +0100
@@ -2777,6 +2777,8 @@

   args[argslen++] = NULL;

+  i = send_msg (path, args, msg, option(OPTNOCURSES) ? NULL : &childout);
   /* Some user's $sendmail command uses gpg for password decryption,
    * and is set up to prompt using ncurses pinentry.  If we
    * mutt_endwin() it leaves other users staring at a blank screen.
@@ -2784,7 +2786,7 @@
   if (!option (OPTNOCURSES))
     mutt_need_hard_redraw ();

-  if ((i = send_msg (path, args, msg, option(OPTNOCURSES) ? NULL : &childout)) 
!= (EX_OK & 0xff))
+  if (i != (EX_OK & 0xff))
     if (i != S_BKG)

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