Mika Fischer on Sat, Feb 06, 1999 at 10:17:29PM +0100:
> > > Is there a way to do so?
> > 
> > How do you mean? Did you read about 'color index ...' in the manual?
> > You can specify colors for different messages in the index using
> > Mutt's pattern-matching language.
> > 
> > Is this what you mean?


> I think what Scott meant was to have different colors for the subject,
> author, size etc. of all messages in the index.

Right.  Somewhat like one can do with slrn (although their equivalent to
$index_format is basically fixed).

This would probably work (if I grok the "color index" operation
correctly) if patterns were added that equated to generic fields, eg
something like ~%x where `x' is the letter from $index_format.  It would
then be possible to use "color index" to color specific % entries in
$index_format, generically.  I'm assuming "color index" will do multiple
matches on a line (I've never used it).

> At least that's what I wanted to do some time ago.

I've been wanting to do this for a while, and had thought this was
possible, but just didn't have time to configure it.  I gather that it's
not possible, though?

> If there are major reasons why not implementing that, I'd like to know
> them :-)

Developers have finite time available?
Developers don't care about such a feature themselves?

If none of the developers care either way about this feature, I'll
probably attempt to hack it in myself when I get some time.


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