Dear all,

please find attached to this email the new improved version (thanks
Warren!) of my LDAP query perl script that can be interfaced with mutt
by defining in your .muttrc:

set query_command = " '%s'"

This script parses the outputs of ldapsearch (ldap server
query tool present in the ldap-3.3 distribution available at in order to pass the required formatted
data to mutt.  It relies on Brandon Blong's "External Address Query"
feature patch (
that is now part of the mutt distribution.

Multiple requests are supported: the "Q" command of mutt accepts as argument
a list of queries (e.g. "Foo Bar de\ Courville").

The script will likely to require some hand customization in order to match
your site configuration. Namely the two following lines will have to be

my $ldap_server = "ldap";
my $BASEDN = "o=Motorola, c=US";

as well as the parsing itself according the name of the fields defined
in the LDAP server you wish to query.

Marc de Courville -=-  Centre de Recherche Motorola  -=- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
-=-   {Free,Net}BSD, Linux: You can also get less bang for more bucks.    -=-   
<legal>Opinions hereabove are my own and not those of my organization</legal>

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