On Sun, Mar 14, 1999 at 18:20:57 -0500, Rob Reid wrote:
> Thanks, Byrial, for fixing the my_hdr Subject: problem.
> At  2:55 AM EST on March 12 Byrial Jensen sent off:
> > BTW someone told me that all 3 things aren't bugs, but intentional
> > (and undodumented!) features. It may be so, but then I prefer to
> > remove these "features".
> Can you (or the intender) explain why those things were intentional?

Well, I can't. I have to leave this question to the intender. 

> There was one small problem with your patch, though: I ended up with 
>    Subject: Subject: blah blah blah...
> when I tried using my_hdr Subject: blah blah blah...
> The attached patch _f_o_r_ _m_u_t_t_s_ _a_l_r_e_a_d_y_ 
>_p_a_t_c_h_e_d_ _w_i_t_h_
> fixes that so that Subject: only
> appears once.

Thnk you for fixing that. I have just putted the whole patch
including your fix on my mutt patch webpage. Find it at <URL:

- Byrial

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