On Fri, Jul 02, 1999 at 11:04:04 +0200, Renaud Colinet wrote:
> I personally use the followings when posting to mutt-users-list (English
> speaking):
> #
> #Specify signature and attribution with respect to recipient
> send-hook . set signature=~/.signature
> send-hook . 'set attribution="le %d, %n a écrit :"'
> # Let my .sig and attribution be in English for mutt-users list
>  send-hook mutt-users set signature=~/.sig.eng
>  send-hook mutt-users 'set attribution="on %d, %n wrote:"'

It seems that from these settings that you have an English date
included in your French attribution text. You don't need to have
that if you have working locales on your machine.

Instead you could do like this:

set locale=fr_FR
send-hook .          'set attribution="le %{%b %d}, %n a écrit :"'
send-hook mutt-users 'set attribution="on %{!%b %d}, %n wrote:"'
# The "!" disables use of French locale in the English text

Or like this:

send-hook .          'set locale=fr_FR attribution="le %{%b %d}, %n a écrit :"'
send-hook mutt-users 'set locale=en_US attribution="on %{%b %d}, %n wrote:"'


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