Thus spake Mark Mielke ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

> Also many of them wouldn't know how to use a non "impressing" view of
> their mailbox. It's so much cooler to have messages fade and titles

Standard-Mutt is b/w for me without my config files.
Maybe in a further version themes could be added. That would make it a
mutt-newbie easy to make it well-looking and have nice key-bindings.
Maybe also a folder-configure-program, that lets you add folders by a

Before I liked my mutt, several hours of surfing the web and editing
my .muttrc had to go away. Acutally my mutt-config is a mixture from
two persons, Sven Geckus (?) and Roland Rosenfeld, and I like it a

On a private mailingliste acutally we send our .muttrcīs from people
to people.

Acutally my .muttrc is only something like

set alias_file=~/.mutt/aliases          # add the Aliases here
source ~/.mutt/aliases                  # and include all existing

source ~/.mutt/look                                     # look
source ~/.mutt/feel                     # feel                        
source ~/.mutt/keybind                  # keybindings 

# You should edit the following files:
source ~/.mutt/private                           # private settings
source ~/.mutt/filter                            # scoring

source ~/.mutt/folders                           # Folders (maillists)

so far it would make no problem to add themes like 
source ~/.mutt/themes/footheme/.muttrc in your main .muttrc and then
the theme-.muttrc is something like my main-muttrc above. :)

You could include some default-themes in the main-mutt distribution.
All you need to change in my files for example, if you want to use it
for yourself, are the private (with my_hdr From: for example), filter
(empty at mine at the moment) and folders ( which is lists mutt-users,
freebsd-hackers,, the folder-definitions and so on here) and the .procmailrc.

That all would make it easier to change to mutt :)


************** I doubt, therefore I might be. **************
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