Mike Bridge [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote:
> > I have mutt 0.95.6i running on RedHat 5.2.  Once upon a time (probably
> > with an earlier version of mutt?) I had it echoing my outgoing
> > mail to the "sent-mail" folder.  But I see now it isn't doing it
> > any longer.  I thought putting "set copy=yes" in my .muttrc
> > would do it (as in the examples on the web site) but this doesn't seem
> > to do anything.

Do you have record set?  eg
set record="/box/to/save/to"

Jeremy Blosser   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   http://jblosser.firinn.org/
"Would you fight to the death, for that which you love?
                   In a cause surely hopeless ...for that which you love?"
                                             -- D. McKiernan, _Dragondoom_

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