Timothy Ball <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> typed:
> I have search pretty far. Maybe I'm blind. But how do I save emails
> to a default box as a choice w/ the "s" button? 

>From the manual:

  3.13.  Specify default save filename

  Usage: save-hook [!]pattern filename

  This command is used to override the default filename used when saving
  messages.  filename will be used as the default filename if the
  message is From: an address matching regexp or if you are the author
  and the message is addressed to: something matching regexp.

  See ``matching messages'' for information on the exact format of


       save-hook me@(turing\\.)?cs\\.hmc\\.edu$ +elkins
       save-hook aol\\.com$ +spam
So, for example.

save-hook . ~/mail/foo

> And what do I have
> to do if I get a message from a person like "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" and I always
> wanna save those messages (If I wanna save them) in mailbox =foo?

AFAIK, mutt can't do this, nor should it.  Procmail can do this for
you, though, and will still allow you to use mutt.
Chris Grossmann    http://www.tunl.duke.edu/~grossman 
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