Fairlight [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote:
> I'm rather a bit used to slrn, I guess, but I noticed after going through
> the help screen 5 times that you can collapse a thread, or collapse ALL
> threads, but there is no "expand-all-threads" or "expand-thread" short of

collapse-all and collapse-thread are actually toggles -- the names are
sort of misnomers.

> going to each thread and opening the first message present.  Even then, you
> wouldn't necessarily know it was a thread unless you had "New" messages
> under the thread, not yet unread (I noted the "n" in the status fields for
> messages with new messages in the subthreads).

You can use %M in the index_format to show the number of messages in a
collpased thread.  You can use something like %?M?+& to get just a + sign
in your index listing for collapsed threads.  See the help for index_format
for more info.

Jeremy Blosser   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   http://jblosser.firinn.org/
"If Microsoft can change and compete on quality, I've won." -- L. Torvalds

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