On Fri, Sep 10, 1999 at 12:10:36AM -0500, Jeremy Blosser blurted:
> Fairlight [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote:
> > I've got a question about whether something is at all configurable without
> > hacking the source, either by option or part of the expression.  Take:
> > 
> > macro index <esc>g "!fetchmail\n" 'start/awaken fetchmail'
> > 
> > This executes perfectly...except for the annoying "press return to
> > continue" after it's done.  I have the same complaint when running urlview.  
> > 
> > HOWEVER...I can see having some programs with display on screen that you
> > don't want disappearing immediately until you do tell it to proceed.  
> > ... 
> > Ideas besides source hacking to make a prompted resume optional.
> You really need to start RTFMing, or at least G[rep]TFMing.
> ;-)

Actually, I have a -damn- good excuse...the manual is SO good, and usually
cross-referenced SO well in the HTML version that I looked under
configuration variables and found the 'shell' variable, figuring any
related cross-references would be there, and there were none.  So I figured
it might have been a hidden feature.

Grepping for "wait" never would have crossed my mind, and shell could be
half a zillion places in there.  I was using the HTML version under lynx.

Good enough?  I -did- look...just at the wrong entry.  :)

(Actually, I don't remember seeing "!" documented as an actual call in the
manual, I've just seen it used for urlview and such...that also is not
cross-referenced under "shell" at all.  :)  I got used to
heavy-crosslinking when looking up mime-forward and friends today in
relation to that attachment forwarding thread the other day.)

> If you only wanted this off for given macros, you could of course
> unset/reset it in the macros themselves.

I'm going to try that for this particular macro and pray that ; works the
way I think it should according to the manual.  :)  I'll play with it till
I get it working.  Shant take long, I suspect.

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