Mikko Hänninen [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote:
> Jeremy Blosser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on Thu, 07 Oct 1999:
> > AFAIK both things you mention can be dealt with using a minimal MTA that
> > just acts as a forwarder, such as sSMTP.  All you really have to do to
> > configure it is set the remote mailhub's hostname.
> So how large is sSMTP anyway?  Would it be possible to include it with
> mutt?  Seems a bit of waste as not everyone needs it, yes, but then
> again if it's small and if some significant number of people would
> benefit from it, then it might be worthwhile.

I'm sure a significant number of newbies also don't have a terminal program
they like and may not have a working terminal library (ncurses/slang) and
lynx for HTML mails and procmail and heck they might not even have a
working Unix distribution so should we include that too?  And don't forget
any libraries each of those things depends on...

> At the very least, shouldn't sSMTP be linked from somewhere like
> http://www.mutt.org/download.html on the mutt site?  (And urlview too,
> while we're at it...)  At the moment, the link can be found at the very
> bottom of http://www.mutt.org/links.html, which isn't very promiment.

It's also indirectly mentioned at the top of that page (in the index for
the rest of the page).  I think it's more likely to get lost on the
download page, which is already huge with mirrors.  I'm certainly not going
to put it at the top of that page or anything... 99% of the people that go
there want to download Mutt, not something else.

If you're this concerned about it, write an entry for the FAQ and submit it
to Felix.  That's the first place people should be looking for a question
they don't find answered after they read the manual.

Jeremy Blosser   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   http://jblosser.firinn.org/
"If Microsoft can change and compete on quality, I've won." -- L. Torvalds

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