The Mutt Users Mailing List FAQ 0.01

Q1: If I want to make sure I get lots of helpful responses to my
questions, even if they aren't really mutt-related, should I write
something like

> Please help me, before i've to use PINE or something like that

at the bottom of my message?

A1: No. Such a response is vaguely rude, even when said half in jest. No
one likes to be threatened, even if they don't take the threat very
seriously. Besides, you're just encouraging a handful of responses like

> So use PINE, you jerk.

which you'll have to filter out while looking for the more helpful
responses that the polite and friendly denizens of mutt-users would
surely have sent you anyway.

"I hope I don't win                |          .-_|\ 
 The rules say to bring a friend   |         /     \
 I don't have any"                 | Perth ->*.--._/

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