On Sun, Nov 07, 1999 at 07:40:15PM -0800, Aleksey Tsalolikhin wrote:
> Hi.  I am trying to get to the mutt website, http://www.mutt.org/.
> The primary nameserver for mutt.org, ns.calyx.net, resolves www.mutt.org
> to; however when I try to go to http://www.mutt.org/,
> I get the web page for www.gbnet.net, "internet server for the young
> at heart".  
> Now, I may be young at heart, but I want my mutt!  :)  Anybody know
> what's happenned with the web site, please?

FYI, I've sent email to Steve Kennedy.  He's usually pretty quick at fixing
problems with the site.  I suspect the site will be back up shortly.


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