On Tuesday, 16 November 1999 at 16:13, Chris Green wrote:
> I am using the 1.1.1 development version of mutt (not here, this is
> 1.0) and want to know what I can do to IMAP folders with it, if
> anything!
> For example:-
>     Can I create an IMAP folder (as opposed to a mail file)?
>     Can I delete an IMAP folder or mailbox
>     Can I move an IMAP folder (again, as opposed to mailbox)?

I've started implementing create/delete, but it's not going to be aware
of whether it can contain subfolders or messages right away. On some
servers you probably get that for free by creating something like
"Friends/" instead of "Friends", where "Friends/" contains subfolders
and "Friends" contains messages.

I don't actually know whether MOVE is part of the IMAP RFC or not. You
may have to tag all messages and copy them into a new folder for the
forseeable future. Note that's not as slow as it sounds - it's all done


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