
On Fri, Dec 17, 1999 at 02:18:38PM +0100, Martin Lohner wrote:
> If I have an old pgp and a new gpg key in my secring and
> I know the pgp/gpg-version that the recipient uses (by having his
> pubring) I would like that the key for signing is chosen accordingly.
> Alternativly, if the recipient only has the old-style keys, one could sign
> with both keys. (Incenting him to make an update...)

If you mean PGP 2 versions by "old-style keys", this isn't possible,
because this software stops operation if it finds unknown signature

The gpg-2comp script available at
http://muppet.faveve.uni-stuttgart.de/~gero/gpg-2comp/ is for
generating PGP 2 compatible encrypted packets. This can be done
without further action if all involved keys are of type RSA.
If you choose to use it, please specify your own key ID in the script!


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