Russell --

...and then Russell Hoover said...
% When I go to send a new mail with the 'm' command, how can I make it (by
% creating a macro or otherwise) so that I am instantly put into vim in insert
% mode, and with the sigdashes on line 3 instead of line 2?

Since you reference lines 2/3 you are probably not using edit_headers and
wouldn't be interested in setting your editor variable to something like

  set editor="vim +/^$"

to put the cursor at the first blank line.  But it might help.

I'm not a vi expert, but I believe that you can use push or autocmd
settings in vim to pre-press the 'i' key to put you into insert mode.  I
know of no command line switch that starts you that way.  I'll leave that
to the vim users' list :-)

I'd say that the easiest way to put the sigdashes on line 3 is to 

  unset sig_dashes

in your muttrc and then make them part of your signature file -- with the
appropriate blank lines at the top (what I do so that I also don't
have to type the :-D every time).  Alternatively, you could push an
'O'pen (above) command to drop the dashes down a line, but you might
not always want that.  You could also go directly into the source, find
where the mutt temp file gets created with sigdashes, and hack to insert
an additional newline at the beginnning.

% -- 
%                                  // [EMAIL PROTECTED] //


David T-G                       * It's easier to fight for one's principles
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED]      * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie
(work) [EMAIL PROTECTED]        Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!
"Why2k?  Well, I didn't think at the time that I could charge any more!"
Note: If gives you fits, try in its place. *sigh*

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