Martin Keseg - Sun Slovakia - SE <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on Thu, 24 
Feb 2000:
> bind generic '?' search-opposite
> bind generic '<f1>' help
> but this does not work in pager.
> generic does not match pager section ?

It should match, provided that there's no specific binding for the keys
in that map (=the context, index/pager/etc.).  Ie. the map-specific
bindings always override generic bindings.  So you can't make a generic
binding and expect it to work immediately in all the different contexts,
it only takes effect if those contexts don't have a definition in their

So, I'm guessing that you have ? bound to help in the pager.

Possible solutions:

1) bind ? in pager (and all the other maps where you want it to work)
specifically to search, and do the same for <f1>

2) un-bind ? in pager, so that the generic binding will take effect.
There's no un-bind command, you do it by binding the key to the special
function "noop" -- "bind pager ? noop"

I recommend approach 1.

If this doesn't help, please be more specific about your "this does not
work" -- which keys, both?  What happens when you press them: nothing,
some error, wrong function gets called?

(... who couldn't get "bind generic ? search" to work either, even
though ? was un-bound in pager -- Mutt said "key not bound" when I
pressed the ? key.  Also, does anyone know how can I view the current
generic key bindings?)
// Mikko Hänninen, aka. Wizzu  //  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  //
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// Interests: roleplaying, Linux, the Net, fantasy & scifi, the Corrs /
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