++ 05/03/00 16:13 +0100 - Roland Rosenfeld:
>Looks like you have a bad reply_regexp setting.  If this only matches
>"Re:", it will only remove "Re:" and not "Re: " and after removing
>"Re:" and adding "Re: " after this, you will note the mentioned
>effect.  The default reply_regexp ("^(re|aw):[ \t]*") should not show
>this behavior.

Mmm... let me see:

  $ grep reply_regexp .muttrc
  set reply_regexp="^(re|aw):[\t]*"

Looks like i'm using the default, but with a space left out. I will add
the space and see what will happen. 

Thanks for your help,


= Rejo Zenger  [Sister Ray Crisiscentrum]               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
= http://mediaport.org/~sister (and my_urls.html)               PGP: see headers
  Destroy a spamhaus! http://www.xs4all.nl/~sister/mirror/sengir/spam_sites.html

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