Mark --

...and then Fairlight said...
% On Mon, Mar 27, 2000 at 03:32:15AM +0900, Sam Alleman thus spoke:
% > 
% > In fact, if mutt could handle some sort of encrypted mailbox seamlessly
% > that would be *EXCEPTIONALLY* cool! Pgp encrypted mailboxes would be 
% > fantastic. Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.
% I've wished for a gzipped mailbox read feature myself.

Then you probably need to check out Roland's patch if you haven't already :-)

% However, I'll politely disagree with you on PGP encrypted mailboxes being
% fantastic.  In fact, it would be slow and cumbersome, for the simple reason

It would definitely be slow, but probably not terribly slower than .gz

% that in the case of a mailbox you want to add onto, you'd have to know if
% it was PGP encrypted (which would likely mean creating an ASCII armoured file,
% which would then require a third layer of gzipping to get it BACK down to a
% reasonable size), and also have to unencrypt it to read it, write to it,
% and then reencrypt it entirely over again.  

I must politely disagree :-)  The compressed-folders patch works based on
folder extensions, so you name your zipped folders *.gz and then tell
mutt how to read (gunzip), append (gzip -c >>), and write (gzip) the
folder style.  Along those same lines, you should be able to specify a
*.pgp folder type and tell mutt how to read and write the folder (and
leave off append, since I don' think that applies).

Admittedly, this is untested, but I've been casually contemplating for
quite a while now encrypting an entire mailbox -- and, thanks to this
discussion, remembered that I didn't have to get fancy and hope that the
patch could handle *.gz.pgp mailboxes since pgp does compress :-)  Since
it's just a file extension and a few command specs, it ought to be easy
(and no, you don't want to store the decrypt passphrase in your .muttrc
file! ;-)

% >From a development standpoint, that's very ugly and very messy, and I

This is pretty true, it seems to me, and it looks like the existing patch
*won't* be integrated into the main distribution (though it's such a
favorite that RPMs are even distributed with it patched in and configured!)
as long as Roland maintains it and the user community can get it from his
site and thus not bug the developers for support.

% wouldn't be surprised if they say it will never happen...for the reasons
% listed above.
% I second the motion for a gzip-capable mutt though.  (No wisecracks about,
% "Sure, just send in the patch!" either!)  :)

Sure, just go get the patch! ;-)

% mark->
% -- 
% Fairlight->   |||        [EMAIL PROTECTED]          | Fairlight Consulting
%   __/\__      ||| "I'm talking for free...           |
%  <__<>__>     |||   It's a New Religion..."          | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
%     \/        ||| PGP Public Key available via finger @iglou, or Key servers

David T-G                       * It's easier to fight for one's principles
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED]      * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie
(work) [EMAIL PROTECTED]        Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!
The "new millennium" starts at the beginning of 2001.  There was no year 0.
Note: If gives you fits, try in its place. *sigh*

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