Chris --

...and then Chris Green said...
% On Thu, Mar 30, 2000 at 04:21:40AM -0600, Aaron Schrab wrote:
% > 
% > Since in cases like this, the resulting install could easily be unsafe,
% > it could be argued that installing at all is an error.  There should

Actually, it seems to me that the install won't be unsafe -- it just
won't be able to lock $MAIL.  If you use procmail or some such to drop
your mail in a spool file that you control, then your inboxisno different
from any ofyour other folders -- and you can do anything you want.  No
safety issue involved...

% > probably be more noticeable errors at the least, maybe even require the
% > person doing the install run something like "make unsafe_install".
% > 
% Yes, I think this is right, if you allow the --prefix=<somewhere>
% option then it suggests that the installation can be done by a
% non-root user.

It does, admittedly, but it also allows root to install mutt somewhere
other than /usr/local (like mebbe /).  Because of the nature of most mail
locking system, you're going to have to have root authority to set the
gid bit on mutt_dotlock at least once.

Now, the good news is that any mutt_dotlock with the proper perms will
do.  If you can get your sysadmin to install mutt_dotlock somewhere (like
/usr/local/bin or even your personal bin) you can safely ignore any
difficulties with a mutt_dotlock in a later build and not use the new
one.  As an added bonus, you can call mutt_dotlock yourself in a script
if you want to manually copy your $MAIL file to somewhere else where you
can play with it and then *safely* zero out the real one.

% Is the issue just one of locking the mail spool correctly by the way?
% Should it be possible for a user of mail on a system to set the
% permissions correctly or does mutt require root to install?  I think
% not actually as I didn't get this error on my other (Solaris) install
% and I did that as a user too.

I guess I already answered this part :-)  Yes, the only difficulty
installing mutt as a user is that you can't set the g+s bit on
mutt_dotlock, the only bit of code that needs special permissions.  
[In fact, that's why mutt_dotlock was created; lots of very reasonable
people did not want a big program like mutt running with special

% -- 
% Chris Green ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
%   Home: [EMAIL PROTECTED]                 Work: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
%   WWW:

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