On Sun, Apr 02, 2000 at 10:35:29PM -0700, Neelakanth Nadgir wrote:
> When ever I send email to anybody in the gnu.org domain, I want my
> "From" address to be [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> I have the following set up in my muttrc file 
> mutt complains "set: unknown variable"
> =============
> send-hook '(~C gnu|~t gnu)'  "set signature=~/.sig.gnu \
>           set [EMAIL PROTECTED] \
>           my_hdr Reply-To: Neelakanth Nadgir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>"
> ==========

The manual says:
Usage: send-hook [!]pattern command
IMHO this means you have to divide this send-hook into three
separate ones.
By the way, you don't need ~t since ~C matches to: and cc:.


This signature was added just to have one. ;-)

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