> I just played around with the $sort_aux variable and I came to the
> opinion that a third sorting key is needed. It's a bit annoying that
> $sort_aux controls how threads are sorted against other threads _and_
> the thread internal sorting.

No, it's not that to be annoying.

> My problem:
> I want threads with the newest date sorted before older threads.
> -> set sort_aux=reverse-date 
> which does what I want _but_ the thread internal sorting is
> "reverse-dated", too. The "last-" prefix doesn't help me here.

You can achieve this by "set sort=reverse-thread" and "set
sort_aux=date", as I did a very long time for certain mailboxes.

But, being 2nd level maintainer of several lists (= postmaster,
no condolences, please) I must recognize mails I get twice or more.
These are displayed with a whole subthread in between with the
settings I mentioned, so I prefer the other one you suggested,
which has the minor disadvantage of having subthreads in "wrong" order,
at least for me.

A satisfying fix (without adding bloat) isn't trivial with the
current implementation, I don't know when I have the time to think
about it.


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