On Wed, May 10, 2000 at 08:51:41AM +0200, Thomas Roessler wrote:
> On 2000-05-10 03:12:28 +0200, Michael Tatge wrote:
> > AFAIK there is no fcc-hook. There is a fcc-save-hook
> > which is a save-hook which also sets FCC to the given
> > folder while sending mail.
> >From the muttrc (5) manual page:
>        save-hook [!]pattern filename
>               When  a  message  matches pattern, the default file
>               name when saving it will be the given filename.
>        fcc-hook [!]pattern filename
>               When  an  outgoing  message  matches  pattern,  the
>               default  file name for storing a copy (fcc) will be
>               the given filename.
>        fcc-save-hook [!]pattern filename
>               This command is an abbreviation for identical  fcc-
>               hook and save-hook commands.

Ok, I surrender ;-)
It's nice, you can always lern new stuff about mutt. 

Go away! Stop bothering me with all your "compute this ... compute that"!
I'm taking a VAX-NAP.

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