On Thu, May 11, 2000 at 06:44:16PM +0300, Mikko Hänninen wrote:
> Marius Gedminas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on Thu, 11 May 2000:
> > I mean there's no percent display.  With mbox you see: 
> > `Reading <foo>... 310 (10%)', with Maildir you only see the number of
> > messages.  Psychologically this makes the waiting seem longer ;)
> Oh right.  It shouldn't be difficult to add a display like that to
> Maildir though?  I mean, you can find out how many files there are in
> advance, and you don't even need to worry about the messages being
> different sizes since only the mail headers get read, anyway.
not even the header needs to be read when just searching for the number of
new / old mail... 
simply count the files in ./new and the files in ./cur ... the sum of them
is the total count of messages and in ./new are the new ones...
I've got some information to my private eMail address about where these
printf like sequences are interpreted. If someone is interested I'll bounce
the mail.
As I am consumed quite much with my scanner driver project I don't think I'll
have enough time to understand/change the mutt sources.
If there should really be noone willing to try it, I'll go and do it... but
don't expect it to be today or tomorrow... 

Christian Ordig             | Homepage: http://thor.prohosting.com/~chrordig/ 
Germany                     |    eMail: Christian Ordig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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