Mikko Hänninen ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> Chris Gushue <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on Mon, 15 May 2000:
> > How much
> > of a speed difference would there be between that and mbox?
> I think this is really rather subjective and per-system issue, whatever
> figures someone else might come up with on their system might be totally
> off the mark on yours.  My recommendation is that you try it out, it's
> not that difficult to copy all messages from an mbox folder to a Maildir
> and then compare speeds of opening those.

I decided to give it a try (nothing better than first-hand experience), and
there doesn't seem to be any difference in the speed of opening a
folder. But I only have a week or so of mail to test it on, at most around
200 messages in a folder. I did notice a nice difference in the speed of
closing a folder, when it updates what mail is read or not. Right now I only
have a really old and slow hard drive, I'm sure that is affecting it :) I
guess I'll notice how much of a difference there is at the end of the month
just before procmail starts sorting mail into ~/mail/2000/06
> Although I'm not sure how you could compare the speeds without
> filesystem buffering (to simulate a situation when you open the folder
> after some longer time).

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                -- Homer Simpson
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