On Wed, May 24, 2000 at 03:54:23PM -0400, Michael Soulier wrote:
>       Ok, according to my manual, the $print variable, if set...
> print
> Type: quadoption
> Default: ask-no 
> Controls whether or not Mutt asks for confirmation before printing. This is
> useful for people (like me) who accidentally hit ``p'' often.
>       I have "set print" in my .muttrc file, but when I hit "p", it doesn't ask
> for confirmation. 
>       Does it need to be set to something like 1, or "y", or something?

Yes.  Use

set print=ask-yes       # or ask-no

Marius Gedminas
When in danger, or in doubt, run in circles, scream and shout.
                -- Robert A. Heinlein

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