I wrote a moment ago:

> Dotlocking will create a file /var/spool/mail/vdanen.lock.
> In order to do this, mutt_dotlock needs write access to
> that directory, which is normally enabled by making
> mutt_dotlock setgid mail.

To illustrate things, here's an example from my system:

% ls -ld /var/spool/mail /var/spool/mail/roessler /usr/local/bin/mutt_dotlock
-rwxr-sr-x   1 root     mail        24231 Jun 20 10:32 /usr/local/bin/mutt_dotlock
drwxrwsr-x   2 root     mail         1024 Jun  8 16:56 /var/spool/mail
-rw-rw----   1 roessler mail            0 Apr 18 16:19 /var/spool/mail/roessler

(The spool file is actually unused since my mail gets
delivered to a maildir folder in $HOME.)

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