> > > How would I go about replying to all????
> > 
> > Why the heck is this becoming a FAQ?  Doesn't anyone RTFM anymore?
> Because it's simple yet non-intutive?  

It depends where you're coming from. I used elm for years before
mutt. It seems blindingly obvious to me that 'g' is for 'group
reply' -- because that's how elm did it :)

I have a theory about most people's use of the word 'intuitive'. I
don't think it means 'obvious' at all. I think it means 'the most
similar to the first interface I learned to use well'. Now, if I
were a refugee from one of the MS mailers, or Lotus Notes, I'd
probably think the bottom of the email is the right place to put
quoted material, too, and wonder why the heck mutt persisted in
not doing that for me :) But because I came from elm, 'g' is quite
obviously for 'group-reply' :) 


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