On Fri, Jun 30, 2000 at 09:27:56PM -0700, Jason Helfman wrote:
> |preline -f /usr/bin/procmail

I'm not sure about the -f.  I don't use it in my .qmail, but based on
the description in the man page I don't see why it would cause
procmail to fail either.  My guess would be that you are having
procmail problems, not qmail problems.  Have you tried turning on
logging in procmail?  Set this at the top of your .procmailrc:


> Cool, i didn't know about this, and i do RTFM. When i ran inbox, it
> worked, now it doesn't. Thanks for the pointer.

Those references are a little more obscure than just RTFM (although
the FAQ isn't by much :), so you are forgiven. ;)  I've already played
with Lines: and maildirs some today.  (See my next message.)


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