(I checked the archives, and although this has been asked before, no
one had a good answer.  Hopefully someone will have a better idea this
time around, or I missed the answer in the archives.)

I use maildirs, but I prefer to see lines rather than sizes in the
message index.  I've been using the procmail recipe to add Lines: for
a long time, and it works well on incoming mail.  This doesn't
implicitly deal with outgoing e-mail, but in most cases bccing myself
works well enough.  The problem with bccing myself is that I get two
copies when I send to mailing lists which return a copy to me.  The
easy solution is to remove the Bcc header when I send to a list,
except it isn't that easy.

I have been removing the Bcc manually, which is a pain and sometimes I
forget.  A few days ago I decided to try to make it automatic (I am
using mutt after all...), and remembered why I haven't set this up
earlier.  send-hooks take effect after all of the recipient headers
are set.  Bcc is a recipient header.  fcc-hooks don't have that
ordering problem, but there is no way to pipe the message through
procmail or any other program to add Lines:.

I see two obvious solutions:

1) Extend fcc-hooks to allow piping to a filter program.
2) Add an "auto_add_maildir_lines" option.

Does anyone know of a reason other than, "No one has submitted a patch
yet," why one of these hasn't been added, or is there a better
solution which I'm missing?


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