On Wed, Aug 16, 2000 at 08:00:32AM -0400, Brendan Cully wrote:
> On Wednesday, 16 August 2000 at 06:31, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > I have just encountered another problem when using multiple IMAP
> > accounts - how do I set the $imap_user and $imap_pass to different
> > values for each IMAP server?
> For imap_user, you can embed the username in the account, as in
> {user@host}. There is no solution for imap_pass. But once you've
> connected, the account information for each account is cached. So you
> can log in to one account, set imap_pass to the password for your next
> account, and connect to it. Once the connections are established you
> should be fine. You may wish to write some "profile" macros to do some
> of this for you.
OK, thanks, this makes it quite usable.

> I'm interested in writing some sort of account-hook code later to
> handle changing these sorts of parameters when you use another
> account. But for now, this will have to do...
That would be nice, but I must admit this is just an occasional
requirement when I've decided to do a big re-arrangement for some
reason or another.

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