Anthony --

...and then Anthony Green said...
% This was a thought I had while deleteing spam mail and was wondering if
% it could be done via a Mutt macro or otherwise. Couldnt really see anything
% on for dealing with spam.

As Lars said, that's because it really isn't a mutt issue (stock answer,
right? :-)  BTW, Lars's pointer should have been to
(not cause with an "s").

I haven't bothered to tie into some of the delivery-time spam filters
mostly because I'm too lazy.  I have, however, figured out how to do
much to automate my spam submissions to spamcop; it's easy enough now
that I usually get the "Yum, this spam is fresh!" messge when I send
the reports :-)

If you're not yet familiar with spamcop, surf on over to
and check 'em out.  It's been said before that "spamcop is for newbies"
but it does get the job done and it doesn't require any MDA configuration
and etcetc.  The standard way to submit a spam message is to paste it into
the web page and hit the button, but this was a PITA under one terminal
emulator and darned near impossible under another, so I started doing
more digging.

You can forward (be sure to turn on mime_forward so that the whole
message gets bundled in) the offending email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and
you will shortly thereafter get a note with the tracking URL embedded in
it.  Use urlview to pop this open, wait a few seconds and click through,
and then send the reports, and you're done; quit out of that window and
you're back to urlview.  

You can forward multiple spams to spamcop and he'll include all of the
URLs in that note; I find that kicking off the half a dozen lynx
processes from urlview and then repainting each display (dunno why and
too lazy to dig) takes about five seconds, so I then go around the list
of processes and click through and then go around again and send.

Is it perfect?  Nope; I got the spam in the first place.  I usually get
"we'll shut this guy down right now" messages, though, as compared to "we
already took care of that" messages I used to get, so it's a nice feeling :-)

P.S. -- I have this idea of saving the spam off to an LBDB of some
sort and then using that info to build a procmail ruleset which will
automatically junk future mail along those lines, including by Subject:
even though I'm sure LBDB doesn't work for that, or perhaps turning it
inside out and saying that anyone who isn't in my LBDB of known contacts
gets queued as potential spam, or even both -- but I haven't yet picked
up any info on LBDB.  Any volunteers to give me the 30-second crash
course to get me started? :-)

David T-G                       * It's easier to fight for one's principles
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED]      * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie
(work) [EMAIL PROTECTED]        Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!
The "new millennium" starts at the beginning of 2001.  There was no year 0.
Note: If gives you fits, try in its place. *sigh*

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