My suggestion is to also maybe submit this to Roland. He has a great
utility similar to this where he can incorporate the code into his next
release after he tests it out. People have submitted modules to him in
the past. There is a perl one included that I use for searching my Palm
Address Book. It is worth a shot.

On Sat, Sep 09, 2000 at 08:14:30AM -0400, Damien Tougas muttered:
| I have designed a simple contact/addressbook system and a query script
| that allows it to be used with Mutt. If anyone is interesed in this,
| please reply to me directly and I can e-mail it to you.
| All you need to use it is your favorite unix tools, and Perl to run
| the Mutt query script.
| Damien.

/Jason G Helfman

"At any given moment, you may find the ticket to the circus that has always
been in your possession."

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